Saturday, March 10, 2018

Pearl Def

 I believe Sonia had found her passion with this group, where she can grow. Her respect for the this group of young people was very high. She stated  some of the people that were new to this group which they called young bloods were highly qualified and intelligent individuals. She said that if she had made friends with people like these they would all be successful. This group was ground breaking since they were responsible for the Esp law suit which she compared its importance to the Brown vs. Board of education case. It gave non english speaking hispanic students equal opportunity for education by giving them bilingual classes, before this happened they used to be put in special education classes where eventually they would have no future since they would technically get lost in the system.This organization was a family and she really gained confidence in her belief she can make it since there were females that were beyond successful in this group that were hispanic.

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