Tuesday, March 13, 2018

My Beloved World: 3/13

Here are a couple questions I have about this week's reading:

  • How does Sotomayor's identity as a Puerto Rican-American affect her life/work? How does her identity as a woman? Is there an overlap between those two identities? 
  • On p 259 Sotomayor writes of "the explosion of misdemeanors that seemed more symptomatic of social ills than evidence of criminal natures; the crudeness of the tools of the system wielded against complicated problems." What is she talking about here?
What questions do you have? 


  1. On page 259 Sonia writes about "the explosion of misdemeanors that seemed more symptomatic of social ills than evidence of criminal natures;" I believe this half of the statement is saying that there have been more minor wrong doings because of the effect of problems in the society such as poverty, lack of jobs etc than that of criminal expectation based on someone's biologic background or situations with how someone was being raised. eg. if a child grew up being raped, it is expected that child will become a rapist because it is what they are use to.
    "the crudeness of tools of the system wielded against complicated problem" I believe this means that the system has a common basic law that applies to each complicated criminal activity. Meaning the law doesn't present punishment to suit the person, it only present consequences for their behavior. Therefore the law is ineffective for many criminals, it is not implemented enough to get them help, so they get out of prison and resume the behavior.

  2. Sonia Sotomayor identity as a Puerto Rican- American and a woman has been a challenge her whole life. Being a minority and a woman minimized her efforts to success. These two identities overlap because they are two main reasons why she experienced discrimination growing up and working in the society.

  3. In a minor, they have the lack of poverty and jobs. Also if someone was raped or something they have the situation of being raised by someone else as a parent. Therefore, when criminals get out of jail they remain the same behavior as before and now. Sonia has been a Puerto Rican women that has been a busy women. Sonia also has experience on working in society.


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