Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Cythia Nixon vs Christine Quinn

On Monday Cynthia Nixon a former actress from "Sex in the City" announced that she's going to challenge Governor Cuomo in a primary. A day after she announced this good news, Christine Quinn a former city council speaker criticized and called her an " Unqualified Lesbian."
I found this dispute very interesting because it relates to what we spoke about in class and to the film "Miss Representation". In Miss Representation they spoke about most women supporting men and not women and that's why there are not a lot of women in leadership roles. This is exactly what is being portrayed in this situation. What I can't understand is why other women can't just support each other? In order for our society to change and see us as equal competitors. Women have a huge role to play as well. Our future generation is seeing this all over the media and to them this will seem normal. This is one reason I believe gender equality is hard to maintain; children live what they learn.

1 comment:

  1. Men and Women can work together as equal partners but society portray women as weak and not lntellegent. On the contrary, As we can see anything men can do women can do it too such as surgeon,doctors lawyers and President, Women are better at these occupation.Women let us support each other forcour children sake and be a good role model


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