Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Miss representation sheds a light on gender inequality and how we all have ignored it. Unfortunately
 we as women scrutinize women more than men do. In todays society women earn twenty five percent less then our male counterparts while working twice as hard. We are second class citizens in our own societies and cultures, which leaves me with the question. Why are we not sticking together?As a female Officer I fell in to a role that is not me at all. I always prefer to deal with men because women in my field tend to be bitches. I never realized the reason they always go hard at every single situation is because they have too. Women always have to dot their I's and cross their T's because everything they do is being looked at under a microscope. Unfortunately I am one of those women that always has to be on point which means I am most times what I despise. My sisters I am sorry that this world is not fair, sorry that we are conditioned to accept all that is wrong, sorry that we are sexualized and looked at as a common object and last but not least I am sorry that most often our hard work goes unnoticed.

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