Monday, March 5, 2018


On pp. 224-227, Sotomayor writes about meeting her first mentor, Jose Cabranes. What is a mentor? How was Cabranes a mentor for Sonia? Have you ever had a mentor? If not, what do you imagine as a good mentor for you? What would he/she be like?


  1. A mentor is someone who is usually experience in a field and gives advise and training on their area of expertise. Jose Cabranes was a mentor to Sonia because he was interested in leading her through her career path, after all he was already a big shot lawyer and consultant. She was also give the opportunity by Cabranes to gain hands on experience while working along side him. I believe that helped her a lot because she was able to see first hand what she will be coming across and how to approach the situation when it arises. To me that is what a good mentor should be like. I should be able to learn meaningful lessons, that will end up serving a great purpose in my life. He/she has to be a role model, someone who will motivate and guide me on the right path to success.

  2. He is someone she looks up to, respects and wants to learn from. I believe his visions were so aligned with what she is trying to achieve and how he as a minority is making such a name for himself as a puerto rican, she just can't believe the status he has made for himself. She knows if she follows his instructions and work ethic she too can be that successful

  3. I believe for me a mentor is someone who gives you advice through out your life, what your gong through. Someone you look up to when you are struggling. Jose Cabranes was a mentor to Sonia because he pushed her to do what she wanted to do. Being able to expirence as well with what he does for a living is a great idea thing, so she knows what to know, what to know when shes around that field. I did have a personal mentor she was my cousler from high school she pushed me and helped me succeed with me graduating while being pregnant. She was also going to school for nursing while being a part time student counsler. She was my role model. I would look up to her when I was down. she would always tell myself to keep my head high and do pass all my grades.

  4. I want to impress on all of you: It's extraordinary for a man who has all the experience of Cabranes to give two students 3 hours of his time. That's an incredibly generous thing. I've had a few profs in my life that were mentors and I had an older prof here at QCC who was one too. They were all generous people who had done well in their fields and saw potential in me and encouraged me, wrote letters of support, and bought me a beer now and then. They're people that I consider friends. I urge you: When you find a prof that you like, stay after class to talk to her/him about the lecture. Go to office hours. Keep in touch and tell the prof when good things happen for you. (Oh, and always learn your prof's name.)

  5. A mentor, is someone whom you look up to. Someone who inspires you and you want to learn from.
    Jose Cabranes, was a mentor for Sonia because she looked up to him, because she learned from him, and took the advise and help he offered her, in order to help guide her through her career.
    A good mentor, for me would have to be someone who i respect and admire. Someone who has accomplished all of the things, I hope to accomplish myself. Someone who can offer me the correct guidance I need in order to help me get where I am wanting to go.
    Up until now, I have not really had a mentor in my life, but I have had many people that I admire for their work ethic and other's whose aspects of life that I value.

  6. A mentor is someone you can look up to and a guide you in the correct path to accomplishing your goals or being successful. Cabranes is a mentor to sonia because he took her under his wing and provided her with the tools and experience needed to be successful. I've never had a mentor but a good mentor to me would be someone I would want to model myself after and inspires me to do better. A good mentor would also be someone willing to guide me in the right path and want me to succeed.

  7. I believe a mentor is someone that you look up to, someone that you have trust in to guide you in the right direction. I had a mentor when i played baseball, he was in the minor leagues just short of getting into the majors. I thought he was the coolest person ever, he would critique my pitching form and correct my batting stance. He would spend hours of his time to make sure that i was practicing what he was teaching me until i perfected it. He guided me to the right schools who were known to have the most successful teams. He eventually made the major leagues and all i ever did was want to be just like, if not better than him.

  8. A mentor is someone that has experience and knowledge about a certain subject or career. They help guide you while you are still in the process of reaching your goal. Jose was a mentor for Sonia because he was already a lawyer and had more experiences than her. She looked to him for advice about where her career should go. Although, he did give her advice she usually made her own choices. I believe a good mentor should be someone who gives advice but doesn't tell you exactly what you should do. A mentor should be able to tell you the obstacles that they've encountered and how they were able to overcome those obstacles. You can learn from their mistakes or choices, I think this is the most important part of having a mentor.

  9. A mentor is someone who will show you the right steps o take to become successful in what you inspire to be. They should give you knowledge and advice that will benefit your understanding of your position and responsibilities. A mentor should show you where you went wrong but allow you to fix it yourself so you can learn and enhance your performance. I think my only mentor as an adult was my husband.

  10. To me a mentor is someone that is has knowledge when it comes to a specific field but yet very well educated on other fields as well. I think a mentor provides that extra push to help you achieve your full potential. I look at mentors as guides. I have yet to find my mentor hopefully one will come around in this life time. Has anyone here come across a person they thought was their mentor?
    I believe my mentor should be someone that will guide me without judgement. I also believe a mentor should be there in your corner guiding through it all, will teaching you valuable lessons.

  11. A mentor is an experienced person that can guide us and that we can look up for, we will not try to follow his steps, but try to make it better. Maybe we can see there's something in the mentor that he is not doing right, and once we learned enough experience we can try to be better at it. Cabranes a mentor for Sonia because after spending three hours with her he already saw a future in her and he offered her a job in which he will help her as much as he could. A good mentor will not necessarily have a lot of experience, I think a good mentor should be someone who can guide us and help us to be better than he ever was.

  12. A mentor is someone you inspire to be like and look up to, a person who sets a good example. Cabranes give good advice to Sonia and guidance. A good mentor should be a person you can count on, someone who gives you inspiration to be like that person, to be a better person and gives positive feedback, who motivates you and helps to guide you in a positive way. A good mentor should be a support system for you, as you are working towards your goals in life.

  13. I think a mentor is someone who is working in a career that you want to work in. Someone that can show you the ropes. Jose Cabranes was a mentor for Sonia because he let her come work with him. Which allowed her to gain experience. I haven't had a mentor yet. But I know who I would want as a mentor. My moms friend has done what I want to do which is open up a domestic violence shelter.

  14. mentors are people who are usually working in the field of your study or might not be.mentors can be anyone really. mentors give advise and training and helps to push in your careers paths. Jose cabranes was Sonia Sotomayor's mentor. he pushed her career far. he was already a well respected lawyer and gave her the chance to get hands on experience and meet the right me a great mentor is someone who can push you in the right way. , someone who just open the door for me but help me push it open.they would have to be my role model. i would have to have a great deal of respect for. someone to guide me down the right path.

  15. Yes, I have had a mentor. A mentor is someone that has been through certain things in life and willing to help another person and to teach and guide the person along the way of helping them. If I was to have a mentor Ihonestly would want my mentor to be honest as possible to me wheather its good or bad. So I can learn more along the way.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. A mentor is who can give you professional advise, lead you into a success path. Cabranes was Sonia's mentor since he asked her, what do you going to do this summer?, since then Sonia could have many knowledge from him, even from her desk just looking everything. Yes I have had a mentor that show me how to open path on the life, he gave me tips of life but also professionals because he was my instructor for I became a salesman in my original country Venezuela. His advice helped me to change my goal point of view .

  18. A good mentor is a person who is always leading you in the right direction. It can be your parents, or your coach, someone you can seek advice from. Moreover, sonia"s mentor is Jose Cabranes who advised her to work in a big law firm with Paul Weiss, and Wharton and Garrison company and he also introduced her to many lmportant attorneys. Sonia can count on him because she knows he will never lead her assay. My aunt is my role model she advises about my life she is always there for me and l love her. She motivates to stay in college no matter any obstales am facing in life

  19. I believe Jose Cabranes made such a lasting impression on Sonnia due to a few factors. He was a lawyer, dedicated his myself to pro-bono work, was passionate about Puerto Rico politics as she was (always sorting out the pro's and cons of state hood and independence pg 195) and most of all he Puerto Rican. She saw a glimpse of a possible future as a lawyer/public advocate. As someone who can genuinely make a change for the greater good.

    I had a mentor when younger. He was my Scout master. He was a Mid 30's man, who took upon himself start up a Boyscout troop in Harlem for underprivileged inner city kids. He was a successful computer programmer for a large summermarket chain. When he wasn't working he volunteered his time with our boyscout troop. Exposed our troop to skiing trips in Vermont (something which i didn't think possible for kids in harlem to do). Big fundraiser dinners for our troops and access to internships with other sponsors.

    He inspired me to contribute to my community.

  20. mentor is someone who had an experience and has a trust adviser on them. Cabranes is a mentor to Sonia because he was interested in her career path and She gave the opportunity to Cabranes on her experience while working with him. Yes, I had a mentor of my great-grand father because it was hard for him to hear so he became death so I had it to teach him how to write in a paper in Spanish for I could understand him of what he is saying to me. He will always tell me that I love you my sobrina and that he will always be there for me no matter what happen to him.

  21. my great-grand father will always be like my good adviser and be like my second father to me.

  22. Yes! I totally agree with Oprah.
    “A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself. A mentor is someone who allows you to know that no matter how dark the night, in the morning joy will come. A mentor is someone who allows you to see the higher part of yourself when sometimes it becomes hidden to your own view.”
    — Oprah Winfrey


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