Tuesday, March 13, 2018

And how many times would a defendant's lawyer lawyer enter the courtroom before a session and ask each of the male clerks and paralegals around me, are you the assistant in charge? While I sat there invisible to him at the head of the table? My response was to say nothing and my colleagues would follow suit. If it rattled him a bit when he eventually discovered his error, that didn't hurt our side, perhaps he'd be less likely to repeat it.
This small passage tells me that Sonia was bothered by her predominantly male colleagues, the Bronx had built something special.
I do fell sorry for Sonia and Kevin because of the way she feels about kids. What she's saying about not being able to picture a child in her loop saddens me because everyone should at least once experience the joy of pregnancy, I think it brings a man and woman somewhat closer than they ever were before.

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