Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Miss Representation

Here are some questions that the film raised for me:

  • Why are women on TV mostly between the ages of 20-30? Why is there so much pressure for women older than this to get some type of plastic surgery?
  • One of the scholars writes about the act of "redomesticating" women after WWII. What is this and why did it happen? How did it happen?
  • What did you find moving about the film, if anything? What emotions were generated by the film? 
  • This film spoke of something Sotomayor wrote of in her memoir: That girls (like children of color) need models to help them imagine the kind of life they might have. What kind of distinguishing characteristics did you notice about the people interviewed for the film?
  • How did this film connect to the conversation in class we had about women as child-bearers? 
  • How did you react to the segment on female newscasters? 
  • This film came out seven years ago. How has #MeToo changed the issues raised in the film, if at all? 
  • Do you know what patriarchy is? Is the US a patriarchy?


  1. A patriarchy is a system of society, community or government in which men are more dominant and powerful. The Us is a patriarchy because more than 60 percent of men are leaders, women are often excluded. Females are expected to bear kids, wash cook and clean. I remember in the video during one of Hillary Clinton's conference, a man was shouting in the background, "Iron my shirt!". He wasn't interested to hear what Clinton had to say because to him she is not capable of becoming president. The biggest thing that proves that the US is a patriarchy is the fact that out of 45 presidents of America not one woman was worthy enough to serve as president.

  2. I noticed that majority of the individuals interviewed in the film were minorities. That means they also experience another side of discrimination apart from being a female. It is harder for minority women to make it in this society because we get put down for what who look like and our background. Sonia is included in this category of people and throughout her memoir we see how hard she had to fight for what she truly deserved and she never gave up. Sonia made a valuable point that girls especially ones of color need, a role model to help them imagine the kind of life that they might have. It is important for young girls to see women in huge roles in the society it motivates them even more. They know it ain't easy but it is possible because someone else did it especially if that person is of color. Sonia Sotomayor is a great role model for young minority women.

  3. I was saddened by the segment on female newscasters because they are there to do their jobs and to let their voices be heard. It should be all about what the news lady has to report and not about how they look or dress. That's not important and the fact that one the lady tried to open another channel and they told her they already have one run by a female was unbelievable. News women suffer a lot of unnecessary discrimination.

  4. I believe the most depressing thing about this whole movie was how the media and society have caused there to be such a epidemic among young teens with illness. I'm sure the suicide rate has gone up due to depression and bullying because these girls are maybe a little heavy or not as feminine as others. The eating disorders or cutting at 10-13 years old outraged me, my biggest worry when i was 12 years old was what my mom packed me for lunch. I understand that these sexual advertisements are simply business but at the end of the day its costing families their childrens lifes.

  5. I found it heartbreaking that so many 13yr old girls say they are unhappy with their bodies, because of the negativity from society,that they should look a certain way.
    Girls are seen as objects by other people, with the media they learn to see themselves as objects very sad.
    Women are discouraged from pursuing high positions, they are described in a very negative way by the media.

  6. The segment on female newscaster the women have so much pressure to look a certain way, For eg. Rachel Maddow received many hate and negativity because of her sexuality.

    I think the #metoo has now changed some of the issues in the film, by women speaking up, demanding respect and speaking up about their rights, to be valued and not treated like an object. A part of the movie, I remembered these powerful words "Be the change you wish to see"

  7. I think women on TV always have to be perceived as beautiful and perfect. The older actresses get the more pressure is put on them to maintain their youth and beauty and most women are pushed into getting plastic surgery done, feeling like that is the only option to be the same person they once were. You can see how actresses like Hallie Berry and Julia Roberts roles in movies changed throughout their years on screen; but many young actresses are never seen again after they hit a certain age. A scene in Miss Representation shows statistics saying: teens, 20 and 30 years olds make up 39% of the population and women 40 and older make up 47% of the population, yet 71% of women on TV are under 30 and only 26% of women on TV are 40 and older. Martha Lauzen said, "It's like when a female reaches 39 or 40 she simply needs to go away." I felt really saddened by her perception because it never occurred to me that women are looked at like that in society. I never knew people scrutinize women in something as natural as getting old; and make women feel bad and helpless over something they cant control. It really makes ponder on a lot of things in today's society.

  8. * I never knew people scrutinize women on something as natural as getting old; and women feel bad and helpless over something they can't control. It really makes me ponder on a lot of things in todays' society.

  9. The reason that most of the women on TV are 20-30 is to mostly draw the male audience. This in turn could be the reason why there is an immense amount pressure for TV personalities dive in at the idea of plastic surgery. Until women stand behind change and dictate in which direction they want it to go, thing will continue to remain the same (if not worse). They need to be made aware of the power they can harness once a cause has been identified (an example of this, look at the million women march after Donald Trump was elected president of the US, and the #metoo movement)

    I found it incredibly sad, how young females (and males) were bearing such a tremendous amount of pressure due to the pull the media have on them. The Media in today’s age has become the babysitter for many of today’s children. Until parents recognize the toxic messages the media deliver, all children will continue to be exposed to those levels of toxicity (examples of this, how you should look, what you should buy, adult content, etc)

    1. Jean, this is a good point about the million women march. I think that was an amazing collective expression of rage that this serial abuser was the president of the US and it seems to have led to the #Metoo movement.

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  11. Like how the movie brought tv and movie celebrities from all walks of life. No two looked a like, but share the same struggle as women. To be heard, and recognized. I like how they brought segment from the all professional Katie Couric, the passionate Rosario Dawson and, and great director Catherine Hardwicke and Condoleezza Rice (Previous US Secretary of State).

  12. Hi everyone, there is a lot teens that are really unhappy with their body because they want to have different body like to be skinny. Many people from the media want to see themselves different. Many women are very disappointed because of their discourage of the media that is happening in the world. Many female has different stress in their own way. I think women have respect and their right to value their own stuff. Also women has to be treated the same as we are too from guys. Therefore, you need to change the way you wish to be in the future.

  13. I thought this documentary was really informative. I was frightened to hear how many young girls are dealing with body dysmorphia. And being bullied in school for the way they look.
    The thing that really stuck out to me was when they spoke about how other women judge other women harsher. There are more women in the world and yet they are still struggling to be looked at as equals. Its worrisome but I'm hopeful that things will get better for all women.


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