Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 101 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations before we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing, reading, and thinking on a weekly basis in an informal setting.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Friday, March 30, 2018
In the article about "An Underground College For Undocumented Immigrants" by Jonathan Blitzer
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Tonight's class
Monday, March 26, 2018
Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County
Try to read soon!!!
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Happy Mother's Day (John Oliver)
In chapter 28 in my beloved world. When Sonia describes her anger towards her mother and their relationship I can totally relate. I have the same experience when it comes to me and my fathers relationship. She says how from time to time she would feel anger but even as a child she had this awareness that her mother had pieces that were missing in her own life. It's funny because I remember when I stopped being angry and realized that my father is a human being and that he didn't have much to give based on the lack of love in his own childhood. When you come to this realization it really puts things in to perspective and makes you learn how to have empathy for your parent.
Video class dicusion.
Friday, March 23, 2018
Intresting Article
topic about gender equality
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Class discussion
Underground College for Undocumented Immigrants.
This school was called the Freedom University and they had two huge factors that they had to challenge in order to keep supporting and helping the students. They needed money for supplies and drivers to transport students to schools across the state.
Student activism became the school's trademark. During the week, students worked minimum wage jobs on the weekend and they were activists spouting social theory. Freedom University got more structured and a few students that were now DACA recipients applied for Colleges in the state and got through. This article was so interesting but I am disappointed that the Trump administration is trying to get rid of this law.
Hope you all find time to read it soon.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Cythia Nixon vs Christine Quinn
I found this dispute very interesting because it relates to what we spoke about in class and to the film "Miss Representation". In Miss Representation they spoke about most women supporting men and not women and that's why there are not a lot of women in leadership roles. This is exactly what is being portrayed in this situation. What I can't understand is why other women can't just support each other? In order for our society to change and see us as equal competitors. Women have a huge role to play as well. Our future generation is seeing this all over the media and to them this will seem normal. This is one reason I believe gender equality is hard to maintain; children live what they learn.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
what we talk about in class today
hope this helps
Hey everyone I meant to post this sooner but i have been busy, this helped me over the weekend while I was writing my essay hope it does the same for you.
Miss Representation
we as women scrutinize women more than men do. In todays society women earn twenty five percent less then our male counterparts while working twice as hard. We are second class citizens in our own societies and cultures, which leaves me with the question. Why are we not sticking together?As a female Officer I fell in to a role that is not me at all. I always prefer to deal with men because women in my field tend to be bitches. I never realized the reason they always go hard at every single situation is because they have too. Women always have to dot their I's and cross their T's because everything they do is being looked at under a microscope. Unfortunately I am one of those women that always has to be on point which means I am most times what I despise. My sisters I am sorry that this world is not fair, sorry that we are conditioned to accept all that is wrong, sorry that we are sexualized and looked at as a common object and last but not least I am sorry that most often our hard work goes unnoticed.
I find that that the "manual cite" function works better than their web search function. We can play w/ it in class if that would help.
I put a link on the blog to this resource.
Monday, March 19, 2018
Miss Representation
Sotomayor and Gender
What does it mean to be "feminine"? Conversely, we could ask what it means to be "masculine." What does it mean to "argue like a man"? Just today, I read this interview in The Times. The author of the book under review, comedy writer Nell Scovell writes that when her boss, Gary Shandling, complimented her for writing comedy "like a man," she was flattered. But now she doesn't find it flattering. What changed? How might we connect this quote to Sotomayor's quote about "arguing like a man"?
What other questions does the end of the book raise for you? What was most engaging for you about the book? What did you have the most difficulty with?
Sunday, March 18, 2018
My beloved world
The film of miss respresentation
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Sonia rolecs as a woman
sonia is a good prosecutor,she won all her cases expect one. she ialso worked for Puerto Rico LeagaDefend Education funding where she worked hard with the help of other attorneys to fight for discrimination against Hispanic community. Also she was married to Kevin Noonan the marriage lasted for five years. Furthermore, Sonia decided not to have children because of her health is diabetic and because she works long hours at work. She did not want to bring children into world and neglect them as greetings parents neglected her.
Miss Representation
- Why are women on TV mostly between the ages of 20-30? Why is there so much pressure for women older than this to get some type of plastic surgery?
- One of the scholars writes about the act of "redomesticating" women after WWII. What is this and why did it happen? How did it happen?
- What did you find moving about the film, if anything? What emotions were generated by the film?
- This film spoke of something Sotomayor wrote of in her memoir: That girls (like children of color) need models to help them imagine the kind of life they might have. What kind of distinguishing characteristics did you notice about the people interviewed for the film?
- How did this film connect to the conversation in class we had about women as child-bearers?
- How did you react to the segment on female newscasters?
- This film came out seven years ago. How has #MeToo changed the issues raised in the film, if at all?
- Do you know what patriarchy is? Is the US a patriarchy?
Miss Representation
We deserve to be seen for who we are.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
my beloved world pg294-299
Sonia's Choice on Having Children
This small passage tells me that Sonia was bothered by her predominantly male colleagues, the Bronx had built something special.
I do fell sorry for Sonia and Kevin because of the way she feels about kids. What she's saying about not being able to picture a child in her loop saddens me because everyone should at least once experience the joy of pregnancy, I think it brings a man and woman somewhat closer than they ever were before.
page 294-298
This passage shows that Sonia Sotomayor had an unconditional love for children. Many friends and family saw this motherhood side of her and that led to her to become a god mother to so many children. Unfortunately even though she has a special place in her heart for other peoples kids, she feared having a child of her own mainly because of her complications due to diabetes. On the other hand, she didn't see her self fitting a child in her hectic profession. I believe Sonia got too caught up in her line of work and neglected the fact that she needed to have another life outside of work. I loved the fact that she cared so much for kylie and she would sacrifice time out her busy schedule to spend some quality aunty time with her. Sonia would have been a great mother, she wouldn't have made the same mistakes her Celina did. I wished she wasn't so dedicated to her job and willing to risk having a child of her own.
Sotomayor and Sexism
Sonia's diabitics
The Acrobat
Hows times have changed
My Beloved World: 3/13
- How does Sotomayor's identity as a Puerto Rican-American affect her life/work? How does her identity as a woman? Is there an overlap between those two identities?
- On p 259 Sotomayor writes of "the explosion of misdemeanors that seemed more symptomatic of social ills than evidence of criminal natures; the crudeness of the tools of the system wielded against complicated problems." What is she talking about here?
Her Divorce
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Pearl Def
Friday, March 9, 2018
MLA Module Folder Assignment on Blackboard
Thursday, March 8, 2018
My beloved world
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Question two
l agree, with Sonia that emotion is very important because you have listen to your opponent before you answer her question because you can hurt someone feeling with your words. lt is okay to win debate but, emotion lingers on.
Answer to questions one
someone can become an lnteresting person by helping others in need for example Father Gigante helped poor people by reclaiming abandoned building from gangs members, renovate it and rented it at low cost prize to poor people in the neighborhood. Furthermore, Miss Katz was a good teacher to her. Kevin her boy friend also advised her to apply to lvyeague college, and Sonia did.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
my beloved world when sonia was feeling down
Monday, March 5, 2018
My Beloved World: Other Questions
- Why is dialogue important in a memoir?
- Since Sonia was born in the States, why is it important to her to research the history of Puerto Rico?
- On p. 219 (and elsewhere) Sotomayor says that she's not going to write about her "jurisprudence" (essentially, her philosophy of law). Is that fair? Can she tell us about her life and refuse to talk about this vital part of her career?