Saturday, March 31, 2018

I wanted to add some more about the article An underground college for undocumented immigrants I thought it was great when the girls finally received DACA status. Because of this they were able to get jobs legally. I admire Melissa's courage when she confronted a member that was in a meeting of the board of regents in Atlanta. She let him know how she has been here all her life and that she should have a chance to apply to school. I thought that was brave of her to do. I love how Melissa and Ashley would apply to colleges every year despite not being able to be accepted and also receive funding. In 2015 Emory University made students with DACA status eligible for financial aid. I did kind of suck how only one of the girls got accepted. But these girls teach a huge lesson to everyone and that's to never let obstacles stop you from reaching your goals. Keep pushing and don't allow anyone to stop you or get in your way. Especially when it comes to something as important as your education.


After reading this article i would like to take a different approach with talking about it. I think obviously we all feel horrible that young ambitious individuals are subject to these disgusting acts in society where they need to basically sneak around for proper education, i believe we should reflect on our lives, and how lucky we are here at QCC. Today we ( people of every color,ethnicity) are given the same opportunity to become whatever we want in this world. There may be some discrimination in the world but i truly think that is something that will never fully go away. I said it in class once before and i will always stick to my beliefs the big picture sometimes is a lot harder to see than looking at the baby steps taken forward which leads us to light at the end of the tunnel.

Friday, March 30, 2018

In the article about "An Underground College For Undocumented Immigrants" by Jonathan Blitzer

Hi everyone, in this article of "An Underground College For Undocumented Immigrants " by Jonathan Blitzer, it shows that the polices are being unfair of people education because Ashley and Melissa are immigrants and the education department didn't accept them to any colleges. However, Ashley got accepted to college but Melissa didn't. Melissa and Ashley got determined from their education from all the drama that they came from their country. Both girls are also a good hardworking ethics and a good students to join in college and finish their career in New York City. Therefore, Melissa and Ashley should get there citizenship in that way they could become American by the law.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


I find it very unfair and disturbing that policies are made to prevent ANY child from excelling and getting equal education. This tale of trials these two twins, Ashley and Melissa, faced; from being rejected by colleges, solely based on being immigrants and then having to eventually split up when Ashley gets accepted into college but Melissa is left to stand on the outskirts, was very humbling to me. I never had to face any type of discrimination from unfair bans passed. Being an American born, I get all benefits offered from the government. I can't imagine the fear, anger and sadness they felt. But more than that I can't understand why anyone would prevent children from going to college. It is an injustice to the American name that we treat undocumented immigrants like that. When a human being shows hardworking ethics, ability to achieve, righteous morals and they live in the USA since they were 6 years old, they deserve to be American citizen and should be treated no less.  
In the article an underground college for undocumented immigrants I think it's pretty cool how they created a school called Freedom University for undocumented students who couldn't get in to other universities. I think it was terrifying how they had to keep the location a secret because of threats from the Ku Klux Klan. They had threatened to break up the classes and inform immigration authorities.  I love how the girls were determined to get there education despite all of the drama that came along. They have a fighting spirit that is very inspirational

Tonight's class

I've got a pretty bad cold, so I'm going to have to cancel class tonight. Please respond to the New Yorker article on the blog. There will be no blogs due over spring break. Since Assignment #3 is due the Tuesday we return from break, feel free to send me a draft for feedback. As always, it's better to send earlier rather than later. Have a good break and see you soon.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County

   So, I have began reading Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County and I must say it has caught my attention thus far. I find myself relating to the beginning of the story where Kristen got married to someone outside of her race but was still worried about how people from her hometown would react. Its surprising how interracial relationships were frowned upon and in some areas illegal, to the point where they didn't want the blacks and whites to attend the same school. Pursuing a teaching degree, this book will open my eyes to another level of challenges children had to face in  education many years ago.

Try to read soon!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Happy Mother's Day (John Oliver)

Watching that video was quite entertaining.  It is a shame that is taken so long to push legislation to have women acquire longer paid maternity leave.  This reminded me of my wife's pregnancies and how she basically worked till the very day when she had to give birth.  Once she had given birth, she was off for about 6 weeks.  Weeks that seem to go in a blink.  We were fortunate enough that we had help from family in caring for our newborn while she returned to work.  As the video suggested, I could picture the struggles new mothers face with while returning to work with such a short down time.  More should be for them.

In chapter 28 in my beloved world. When Sonia describes her anger towards her mother and their relationship I can totally relate. I have the same experience when it comes to me and my fathers relationship. She says how from time to time she would feel anger but even as a child she had this awareness that her mother had pieces that were missing in her own life. It's funny because I remember when I stopped being angry and realized that my father is a human being and that he didn't have much to give based on the lack of love in his own childhood. When you come to this realization it really puts things in to perspective and makes you learn how to have empathy for your parent.
The video that we watched in class that was kind of making fun of women that give birth and then have to get back to work right away was funny but also not funny in a way. I think sometimes it's good to make light of a  difficult situation like that. But at the same time their are women out there that face this reality. I think it sucks how women sometimes have to show up to work after just giving birth even when they are not physically ready. I couldn't imagine giving birth and then feeling that pressure to rush back to work or their is the possibility of getting in trouble or getting replaced. Women deserve the proper support for doing the most hardest job in the world which is being a mother.

Video class dicusion.

After we watch the Mother’s Day funny video at the last class. I think there is something else that this video could to show us. It is true that at the last part of the video, it reflexes the claim towards the politicians, but a detail that I saw was that from the beginning of this video, it talks about economy. The advertising material showed at the beginning of the video encourages people to buy.  The mother day is the motivation for that. The next part of the video focuses the absence of a law that protects the woman who has recently given birth.  However, I as well could see that is more important that those women are in your workplace because, they must produce regardless of your newly born condition. In conclusion, any celebration day, even the Mother’s Day, it is more commercial day that any celebration that it could means. In all the commercial premises, as soon as the season ends for the sale of an article, it is immediately removed from the shelves to show what is related to the next holiday.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Intresting Article

Hello everyone,  I was doing some research for biology class and I stumbled upon a scientific article explaining the physiological differences between genders. I think it was very informative and relates to the conversation we had in class. The link is attached below

topic about gender equality

hi everyone, in class we talk about gender equality so gender equality is basically the access of the opportunity that is unaffected by gender which is male or female. Also it is the lack of  society that is being satisfied.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Class discussion

I would really like to hear others opinions on the topic we spoke about in class with gender equality in the work place. I really do believe that today gender equality is lacking for the length of time it has been working on getting to that rate in which society is satisfied. I question my last statement though, when society is satisfied... it brings back a saying i'm sure everyone has heard before, you cant make everyone happy.  I would say that for the amount that has changed in the work forces in our country i would be pleased this far to see female govenors, figures all around that kids can look up to.

Underground College for Undocumented Immigrants.

      I really enjoyed reading An Underground College for Undocumented Immigrants. This article is exactly what the title states. Personally I always wonder how undocumented immigrants get around with there life, knowing they are not privileged to many benefits of the country. This article mostly spoke about the hardship one particularly family had to endure during the years until DACA was established. It goes on to speak about the education system for undocumented immigrants in Georgia and how many of these students graduated from high school but had their opportunities for college severely limited. People therefore saw the need for a school for undocumented immigrants but it had to be a secret, in order for others who were against this idea not to alert the immigration authorities.
This school was called the Freedom University and they had two huge factors that they had to challenge in order to keep supporting and helping the students. They needed money for supplies and drivers to transport students to schools across the state.
     Student activism became the school's trademark. During the week, students worked minimum wage jobs on the weekend and they were activists spouting social theory. Freedom University got more structured and a few students that were now DACA recipients applied for Colleges in the state and got through. This article was so interesting but I am disappointed that the Trump administration is trying to get rid of this law.

Hope you all find time to read it soon.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Women should respect and support each other ,Ms Cythia Nixon please do not listen to any negative comments about you, focus run for governor of Newyork 

Cythia Nixon vs Christine Quinn

On Monday Cynthia Nixon a former actress from "Sex in the City" announced that she's going to challenge Governor Cuomo in a primary. A day after she announced this good news, Christine Quinn a former city council speaker criticized and called her an " Unqualified Lesbian."
I found this dispute very interesting because it relates to what we spoke about in class and to the film "Miss Representation". In Miss Representation they spoke about most women supporting men and not women and that's why there are not a lot of women in leadership roles. This is exactly what is being portrayed in this situation. What I can't understand is why other women can't just support each other? In order for our society to change and see us as equal competitors. Women have a huge role to play as well. Our future generation is seeing this all over the media and to them this will seem normal. This is one reason I believe gender equality is hard to maintain; children live what they learn.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Image result for inspirational images and quotes

what we talk about in class today

hi everyone, what we talk about in class today was what is a patriarchal system? however, patriarchal system is when a men get attractive to a women from their society. We also talk about what is satire? satire is the use of humor and irony. for example: comedy, mocking, and imitating. The shows that we talk about was family guy, friends, and a model proposal by Jonathan Swift.

hope this helps

Hey everyone I meant to post this sooner but i have been busy, this helped me over the weekend while I was writing my essay hope it does the same for you.

Miss Representation

I was really thinking about Gender Equality and how much things have changed in the world. I would like to bring up a subject which some may not be able to connect with due to difference in interests.  The sports world has become very open to giving opportunities to women where for a very long time was dominated by males.  In the sport of basketball, Hockey, Baseball even you have female ref's and sports commentators, five to ten years ago people would make a joke for just the thought of a female to debate sports with the male or to interview and question a male who plays a professional sport on his skill set. I believe that even though a number of females may believe they are still very behind the eight ball on social equality, i think that as long as positive steps are taken forward the light at the end of the tunnel will be sooner than you think.
Miss representation sheds a light on gender inequality and how we all have ignored it. Unfortunately
 we as women scrutinize women more than men do. In todays society women earn twenty five percent less then our male counterparts while working twice as hard. We are second class citizens in our own societies and cultures, which leaves me with the question. Why are we not sticking together?As a female Officer I fell in to a role that is not me at all. I always prefer to deal with men because women in my field tend to be bitches. I never realized the reason they always go hard at every single situation is because they have too. Women always have to dot their I's and cross their T's because everything they do is being looked at under a microscope. Unfortunately I am one of those women that always has to be on point which means I am most times what I despise. My sisters I am sorry that this world is not fair, sorry that we are conditioned to accept all that is wrong, sorry that we are sexualized and looked at as a common object and last but not least I am sorry that most often our hard work goes unnoticed.


I notice that quite a few of you are still having problems w/ MLA citation. This may be a useful source for you:

I find that that the "manual cite" function works better than their web search function. We can play w/ it in class if that would help.

I put a link on the blog to this resource.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Miss Representation

My representation shows how the media can cause a pattern of behavior. The media can influence in such a way that female adolescents could change their eating habits to look like the images of women show. My representation shows cases of adolescents suffering from bulimia or anorexia. Today I read a comment in a social media, the note said that the girls who give the weather in TV dress too sexy. The viewers direct their attention more to the girls of the time than to the information they are giving. A large percentage of women who work in the media have the task of showing their figures, but many of them show more than they should, leaving nothing to the imagination.

Sotomayor and Gender

We started to discuss gender last week in relation to the documentary and also our conversation about choosing to have children or not and perceptions that people have. I'd like to continue that conversation this week.

What does it mean to be "feminine"? Conversely, we could ask what it means to be "masculine." What does it mean to "argue like a man"? Just today, I read this interview in The Times. The author of the book under review, comedy writer Nell Scovell writes that when her boss, Gary Shandling, complimented her for writing comedy "like a man," she was flattered. But now she doesn't find it flattering. What changed? How might we connect this quote to Sotomayor's quote about "arguing like a man"?

What other questions does the end of the book raise for you? What was most engaging for you about the book? What did you have the most difficulty with?

Sunday, March 18, 2018

My beloved world

Hi everyone, in my beloved world it shows that Sonia has won and she has work with puertican leaga  defend education  and she help the puertican to fight their rights against the hispanic community. Sonia wants to married her future husband kevin Noonan to last for five years together but she can't have babies because of her health which is diabetics.

The film of miss respresentation

Hi everyone, in the film it shows that in different gender has been a big problem for women that is among for their gender. Also women are attracted to men from their hot looking sexuality that they have on them.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

I have noticed for years how the media pushes a certain image for women. In music videos, ads, and magazines I notice how women are half naked but when you look at the men they are fully clothed. I think it's done on purpose to try to keep women in their place. I think it's set up that way to make women believe that's all their good for is taking off their clothes. To make us believe that being smart and talented isn't going to get you anywhere but being a sex object will. It's sad.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Sonia rolecs as a woman

sonia is a good prosecutor,she won all her cases expect one. she ialso worked for Puerto Rico LeagaDefend Education funding where she worked hard  with the help of other attorneys to fight for discrimination against Hispanic community. Also she was married to Kevin Noonan the marriage lasted for five years. Furthermore, Sonia decided not to have children because of her health  is diabetic and because she works long  hours  at work. She did not want to bring children into world and neglect them as greetings parents neglected her.

Miss Representation

Here are some questions that the film raised for me:

  • Why are women on TV mostly between the ages of 20-30? Why is there so much pressure for women older than this to get some type of plastic surgery?
  • One of the scholars writes about the act of "redomesticating" women after WWII. What is this and why did it happen? How did it happen?
  • What did you find moving about the film, if anything? What emotions were generated by the film? 
  • This film spoke of something Sotomayor wrote of in her memoir: That girls (like children of color) need models to help them imagine the kind of life they might have. What kind of distinguishing characteristics did you notice about the people interviewed for the film?
  • How did this film connect to the conversation in class we had about women as child-bearers? 
  • How did you react to the segment on female newscasters? 
  • This film came out seven years ago. How has #MeToo changed the issues raised in the film, if at all? 
  • Do you know what patriarchy is? Is the US a patriarchy?

Miss Representation

This documentary by Jennifer Newsom was so interested and true. The film portrays how media recognizes and shapes our minds about the roles of women in our society. It proves that gender inequality has been and huge problem and still is. Women also play a huge part of  why there is not adequate equality among their sex, women are among the percentage that doesn't stand up for their own gender for eg. voting. I hate that women are misrepresented by their physicality and the traditional expected norm. Women are seen so often as just sex idols and that's how they are advertised in the media to catch  the attention of men, but what about the attention of women? Are there only men who use these products they advertise?  In todays society women no longer see the need to sit at home bear kids and wait on the bread winner to come home. Women want to be independent and be seen equal to men, we are strong mentally and physically as men sometimes even stronger. Jennifer Newsome encourages women to stand up for each other and work towards more leadership roles. She also encourages us to stand up against media misrepresenting us women everyday because it will continue to affect our upcoming generation including her daughter.
We deserve to be seen for who we are.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

I honestly believe society is to blame for a lot problems we encounter now. The notion that if you do or do not do something means your deficient is wrong! I have learned to be sensitive to every situation because you just know what people are going through. This book has shown me many examples bowing even when you know your right.

my beloved world pg294-299

Hi everyone, what I think on page 295, Sonia mention that she had diabetes and that she don't want to have kids. Sonia also don't want to have kids because of her career that she is doing to be able to graduate. Another one is that on page 298 it says that "The idea of another life utterly dependent on me, the way a child needs his mother, didn't seem compatible with the professional necessity of living at this punishing pace." This shows that Sonia wants to continue her career and that she could still be professional.                              
I think a lot of things have changed for women throughout the years. Women can work, run families and be equally respected in 2018. However Sonia is still right, a women cant have it all without having to make sacrifices in either work or family. In this era women are still the caretakers and are responsible for the well-being and caring of the kids. I know it can be hard for a mother to work, and have a family but I believe with a supportive partner by your side you can accomplish anything in your life. I understand Sonias' medical problem and job responsibilities made her assume she wouldn't be able to have kids or be a good mother, but I think Sonia doubted herself too much and in turn lost a valuable experience. You can see throughout her story her love for children was immense, her niece Kylie was very dear to her heart and she knew how to treat kids with respect, love and kindness; but she never had her own. I believe Sonia accepted her decision not to have children but she also think she regretted that choice.
 I believe its not that she is diabetic or not that she doesn't want to have any kids. like she stated  " I knew of course that type 1 diabetics did have kids" what she means by that is that she kind of knew that there was a diabetics that had kids and she also says that they could but it would be hard. At the moment she is too focused on her career and she doesn't want anyone getting in her way. she doesn't want to repeat the same story as her own mother did. leaving them in the house by themselves with an alcoholic father.


From what I read Sonia had different reasons for not wanting to start a family. Pg. 295 Sonia mentioned about risks of having a baby with her diabetes, but I think that she was not willing to sacrifice her career to have children. Also Sonia stated that it do not make a person less of a woman if she do not have any children. On pg. 298 Sonia stated that she couldn't see herself with a child based on her demanding career. Since a child needs his/her mother, I think Sonia looked at it as neglect to the child if she had a baby with her profession, the long hours of work each day she would not have any time to spend with her child. My opinion is that there were many reasons for Sonia's decision for not wanting to have a child,  I think that in the end it was her decision to make, what is best for her, advancing her career and doing what makes her happy.
Sonia was honest when she decided not to have children because of her health she daibetic and having babies will complicated her health. Also, because she and her brother was neglected by her parents,her mother working night at the hospital and her an Alcoholic she has to call her mother often at work for help. Furthermore,she is a new proseutor very motiavated  to be a federal judge she didn"t want to neglect her childred like her mother neglect her.Sonia is very reslient person nomatter any obstacles at work she is facing at work she is determined to reach hergoals.
Women were treated differently than men, even though they tried to make it equally. They would have to do extra work in order to earn the same amount of money with men made. Men was always being treated as a better employee. It's not only hard for female to try to stand their places during work, but also in their lives as well. Most of the men showed no respect to women. They can call them anything they wanted to say and not caring about women's feeling. They refused to listen to other people's words and speech.

Sonia's Choice on Having Children

I can understand the choice that Sonia made about not having children. She has Diabetes, that could be passed down to her child. She never thought she would make it past forty. Unfortunately, so many people think that if you are a mother you are not able to have your own career. I don't think that is the reason why she decided not to have children. I think that Sonia was following her gut and she knew that the things she wanted to achieve would leave little time to tend to a child. Sonia looks back at her own childhood and there were many instances that her mother was not around because she was working. It seems that she didn't want to  put her child through the same thing, knowing how demanding her job was. Although, it never took away at how she viewed her mother because her mother was a hard worker. Sonia made a choice not to have children, but she still was an amazing aunt to her nieces and nephews and all of her god children.
And how many times would a defendant's lawyer lawyer enter the courtroom before a session and ask each of the male clerks and paralegals around me, are you the assistant in charge? While I sat there invisible to him at the head of the table? My response was to say nothing and my colleagues would follow suit. If it rattled him a bit when he eventually discovered his error, that didn't hurt our side, perhaps he'd be less likely to repeat it.
This small passage tells me that Sonia was bothered by her predominantly male colleagues, the Bronx had built something special.
I do fell sorry for Sonia and Kevin because of the way she feels about kids. What she's saying about not being able to picture a child in her loop saddens me because everyone should at least once experience the joy of pregnancy, I think it brings a man and woman somewhat closer than they ever were before.

page 294-298

  This passage shows that Sonia Sotomayor had an unconditional love for children. Many friends and family saw this motherhood side of her and that led to her to become a god mother to so many children. Unfortunately even though she has a special place in her heart for other peoples kids, she feared having a child of her own mainly because of  her complications due to diabetes. On the other hand, she didn't see her self fitting a child in her hectic profession. I believe Sonia got too caught up in her line of work and neglected the fact that she needed to have another life outside of work. I loved the fact that she cared so much for kylie and  she would sacrifice time out her busy schedule to spend some quality aunty time with her. Sonia would have been a great mother, she wouldn't have made the same mistakes her Celina did. I wished she wasn't so dedicated to her job and willing to risk having a child of her own.
At  the bottom of page 296 Sonia Sotomayor talks about her time at the district attorneys office, and how they view the women  in the office. They were treated nothing but different from the men there. Even though they got paid the same amount at the office, the promotions came in different. I believe everyone should be treated the same I don't think just because you are a male of female you should be treated differently. that is just sexism, treated females differently than guys, because I believe women can do the same amount as men but a little bit more. I was shocked at how a District attorneys office would treat women difffrently from the men, but I mean it was in the different year. and the fact that the judge calls Nancy " honey" in  a professional court room shows no respect he had for the women, nor the security guard calling a women judge "sweetie". I really don't think that is appropriate especially in a court room. you should call everyone by there name.

Sotomayor and Sexism

It's clear that Sotomayor is a strong woman and that she held her own in what was, at least in the past, a boy's club. I like the image of the clueless lawyer asking all the men at the table who's in charge and everyone sitting there silently. I don't know what I think about the concept of "arguing like a man." For one, I'm not sure what this means. She's aggressive? An asshole? I wonder why she can't just argue like a woman (whatever that is). I think it's problematic to assume that there are only two ways to argue. I suspect there are as many was as there are of stringing sentences together.

Sonia's diabitics

Sonia is a woman that love babies, but She know that is not a good idea that she could have her own child. Her diabetics was one of her most fear in her life. However, when Junior let her stay alone with her nephews, she tough was all that she need emotionally about babies, the adoption for Sonia and Kevin could be an option but Junior's children was enough for her. Sonia is a woman that she loves to do anything to be right on a promise for a child.

The Acrobat

At going over pages 294-298.  It seems to me that as with all her life decisions.  Sonny has always been where saw herself in.  She is at peace with her choice of not bearing children, due to the complications with her illness.  On top of this, the aggressively fast pace environment in her job.  At looking at her options she believe she would have not fared well.  As she states "there was too little time to accomplish the things I envisioned." (Sonia, 298)
What really caught my attention in "My Beloved World" by Sotomayor was her job and how she reacts to the man at her job. She states in the book she felt "invisible" as to signify that she wasnt going to respond back to the man asking her the question. The question I have is why she did she stay quiet. Who influenced her to take such action. Throughout the book she conveys all her actions because shes trying to personify a person and become even greater than them at the same time
One thing that Sonia said that really stood out to me was on page 298 when she said, "though I was glad to have won my cases, somehow the idea of a person going to jail, with all the misery that entailed for a family, never quite seemed caused for a celebration". This statement really showed she didn't lose her compassion after all these years. I feel this really shows the type of person she is and how she views cases regardless if a suspect is guilty or not. I feel like the struggles she endured growing up and her family really molded her into the genuine caring person she is today.

Hows times have changed

The way things are today in the court system and outside are so drastically different. The way females are unequally treated and given the opportunity to become successful at the same rate as a male was unacceptable. If a judge was disrespectful today to sonia after she still kept her cool and asked to please be addressed by her name that judge would be resigning from his position and be facing a law suit. I enjoy seeing Sonia staying true to herself and not disconnecting her emotions from these decisions in court, as she explained how she still see's not reasoning to be celebrating someone going to jail. Sonia still have a consonance thankfully even after all she has been through.
what I found interesting was the way, Sonia especially as a woman, was able to put aside her maternal instinct, because she knew it would not be beneficial for the child if she has chose to have one. Her job was too, demanding in itself that she would not have been able to give a child the time it needed and, so she made the choice to have a career instead of a family. Sonia also knew the dangers associated to her health, because of the diabetes and didn't know the longevity  of her life, but then again none of us do and tomorrow is never promised, so i personally believe the real reason she chose not to have a family was, because she wanted to be able to put 100% of herself in her career and nothing else.

My Beloved World: 3/13

Here are a couple questions I have about this week's reading:

  • How does Sotomayor's identity as a Puerto Rican-American affect her life/work? How does her identity as a woman? Is there an overlap between those two identities? 
  • On p 259 Sotomayor writes of "the explosion of misdemeanors that seemed more symptomatic of social ills than evidence of criminal natures; the crudeness of the tools of the system wielded against complicated problems." What is she talking about here?
What questions do you have? 

Her Divorce

Sonia feels a great passion for her work that does not realize that her relationship with Kevin is being affected, to the extreme of taking them to divorce. When Kevin lets her know that he feels she does not need him, it's too late. However, despite the fact that Sonia is affected by this decision, she assumes the situation, and continues her life trying to be part of groups that help her get out of the feeling that affects her. By realizing that it could have been different if Kevin I would have let her know, what was happening.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Pearl Def

 I believe Sonia had found her passion with this group, where she can grow. Her respect for the this group of young people was very high. She stated  some of the people that were new to this group which they called young bloods were highly qualified and intelligent individuals. She said that if she had made friends with people like these they would all be successful. This group was ground breaking since they were responsible for the Esp law suit which she compared its importance to the Brown vs. Board of education case. It gave non english speaking hispanic students equal opportunity for education by giving them bilingual classes, before this happened they used to be put in special education classes where eventually they would have no future since they would technically get lost in the system.This organization was a family and she really gained confidence in her belief she can make it since there were females that were beyond successful in this group that were hispanic.

Friday, March 9, 2018

MLA Module Folder Assignment on Blackboard

Reading the MLA Citation SoftChalk Lesson, and answering the questions on the Learning Module was informative and it helped me to better understand MLA Citations.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

My beloved world

Hi everyone, on page 226 it says that " My job involved research for the book he was writing on the legislative history of U.S citizenship for Puerto Ricans, as well as minor assistance with the day-to-day legal work of the university." This means that he was writing about his legislative history paper to his job interview in that way they could read it  for that person could get the job and work there in a couple of years.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Question two

l agree, with Sonia that emotion is very important because you have listen to your opponent before you answer her question because you can hurt someone feeling with your words. lt is okay to win debate but, emotion lingers on.

Answer to questions one

someone  can become an lnteresting person by helping others in need for example Father Gigante helped poor people by reclaiming abandoned building from gangs members, renovate it and rented it at low cost prize to poor people in the neighborhood. Furthermore, Miss Katz was a good teacher to her. Kevin her boy friend also   advised her to apply to lvyeague college, and Sonia did. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

my beloved world when sonia was feeling down

Sonia failed her job interview because she didn't get hired after her internship that was for her future. Sonia also seemed that she felt struggle with her work and the lawyer was against her. Sonia felt very down because she was using excuses by deciding to take a break from the law class and it was too much for her to understand about that particular subject about law class.

Monday, March 5, 2018

My Beloved World: Other Questions

  • Why is dialogue important in a memoir? 
  • Since Sonia was born in the States, why is it important to her to research the history of Puerto Rico?
  • On p. 219 (and elsewhere) Sotomayor says that she's not going to write about her "jurisprudence" (essentially, her philosophy of law). Is that fair? Can she tell us about her life and refuse to talk about this vital part of her career?


On pp. 224-227, Sotomayor writes about meeting her first mentor, Jose Cabranes. What is a mentor? How was Cabranes a mentor for Sonia? Have you ever had a mentor? If not, what do you imagine as a good mentor for you? What would he/she be like?

When Sonia just felt Beat

Sonia before heading on her trip with kevin had put being a lawyer away for a while, she seemed to feel like the work and struggle it will be to become a lawyer had the odds against her. She was very negative the way she was using every excuse for why she decided to take a break from law, her being puerto rican, a female, socially accepted, getting a firm to hire her. The sad thing is you can tell she felt as if she failed because she didn't get hired after her internship, like that was the deciding factor of her future. Once she met with scott after the yankees had won the big game, she went to a dinner invite where scott would introduce her to multiple people in law and partners of the Shaw Pitman firm which took many students from yale.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Page 199. Paragraph 2. That scene really gives you a glimpse, or actually a picture, of how neglectful public education was for non-English speaking immigrants and minorities in general, a couple of decades ago. Do you see improvements in public education for ESL students and minorities in 2018?

Saturday, March 3, 2018

"Y Amigos"

I like how Sonia during her time in Princeton shares with other cultures and clubs.  This is shown page 187.  Although she is part of the Acccion Puertorriqueña group, she make an effort to always include other member from other clubs like Chicano Organization of Princeton. I fell she clearly sees the bigger picture in where although unique in their own perfective of individual cultures, all face the same struggle of being recognize and accepted. She make the comment of "Clearly, numbers as small as ours were better not divided, so we often joined force on issues of mutual concern"
While doing my weekly reading I stumbled across a familiar statement. Sonya was told she argues like a man in a good way, lol

Friday, March 2, 2018

My beloved world

Hi everyone, on page 184 it says that " Until we would raise kids of our own, no minority students had alumni for parents, and rare indeed were those who had not come from poor commuhnities." This mean that when you adopted a child you have to take care of them if they were your child and raise them with a good education and a good parents that you really are to them. Also you have to show your kids love and that you care for them a lot.