Monday, February 26, 2018

The Melting Pot (or Salad Bowl)

In Sotomayor's "A Latina Judge's Voice," she discusses the "melting pot vs. the salad bowl." Do you know those metaphors? How do these metaphors align with Sotomayor's experiences that she shares in the book? Why is it important to have multiple people represented--in schools (both students and teachers), in communities, in jobs? Or is it important?


  1. The question that comes to mind when I read this is, can we be equal while being different? Can the white teacher treat the black, Spanish and white students all equally without judging them and being discriminatory, probably not so, to ensure equality all genders and races must be involved throughout schools, jobs and society so we change the "norm" so that accepting differences amongst each other and treating everyone equally becomes the new "norm."

  2. In Sotomayor's A Latina Judges Voice" sge uses the terms melting pots vs salad bowl. The term melting pot to me describes generation of immigrants who have moved to this country and abandoned their culture possible because of enthnocentrism.
    On the other hand salad bowl to me describes immigrants, especially in Ny who have maintained their tradition, language and culture. Here in Ny they have even divided themselves according eg. China town, spanish harlem etc.
    I believe these terms align perfectly with Sotomayor's book My Beloved World because she explained her childhood as a minority Puerto Rican living in the US but her family still stuck to their culture. She portrayed the discrimination of her culture and other minorities faced in her schools and jobs. She saw the importance of having minorities as faculty members in Princeton University and later on joined the Accion Puertorriquena club. This club included other puerto rican's sharing the same believe and dreams. She even spoke up on the lack of females within the school and over time it increased.
    It is very important to have diversity in our commmunties, schools and jobs because we would be more comfortable and motivated. We operate better in a salad bowl society where others can respect and learn about each others culture and beliefs. Sometimes while trying to learn about other cultures we realize how much we have in common.
    Unfortanetly in today's society we still suffer from discrimination and bear the burden of not seen as equal individuals based on race or ethnicity.

  3. I believe everyone should be treated the same when it comes to either being a teacher or a student. No one has that one tittle to be treated a diffrenet way. Even if your the boss at the job or a student at school everyone should be treated the same with respect. The word melting pot when being used in the book describes the immagrants coming to the us when they have left the relgion and there culutre aside, but when refering to the salad bowl i beleive that they mean the immigrants who came to the us but who say with there language and who they are, where they came from.

  4. I believe the metaphor aligns with sonia and princeton, how the university had people from all over representing the salad. The salad being that it was still diverse and cultures "minorities" were still outsiders even though they were going to the college. She believe everyone should be treated and given the same opportunity and have a voice no matter what the race may be. That is why she joined the latino club to fight for the respect and for the place where everyone can be equal, and not just for at that time but for future students as well. That is why she was able to fight and get the first minority to be on the administrations committee, to fight for the students of all colors.

  5. It is very lmprotant to have have diver city so that we can learn different about each other culture and learn our likes and dislike

  6. I think diversity is important is schools because each student brings a different perspective to each situation. Diversity in schools also help students with cultural sensitivity. I really believe this crazy world would be boring without the beautiful cultures and subcultures that are evident.

  7. Like this country it has became one of the best thank to all the different ideas that have come to many of the immigrants that have come to it. I remember when I was in high school there use to be a quote inside the principals office saying "even Albert Einstein was an immigrant" can we imagine if Einstein discoveries were used against the USA. It is important that multiple people represent the school because we get to know all the different cultures and all of the different backgrounds of all of us. In communities sometimes it doesn't really matter that we have all of those beautiful people because sometimes the people might just look out for themselves. without intervening in anything that's going on out there.

  8. Sonia is changing the way the process of the college is and as things are changing it is becoming the melting pot because everyone will now be equal

  9. I think that it helps the many diversity of people with different backgrounds and cultures to learn more about each other. It is important to have a diverse population in school because it helps to shape society and recognize the importance of unity and not being divided and also accepting everyone regardless their culture.

  10. I believe that diversity is a very important part of our schools, jobs and communities because it promotes social growth. A diversified environment acknowledges the fact that we are all the same, we are made of the same tissues, fibers and cells and that we are all deserving of opportunities. As a future educator, I think about the impact of having black and Hispanic teachers in impoverished communities and how this may encourage children to reach their full potential.

  11. Melting pot is when people that are from different cultures become one. Like the United States, we all come from different cultures and have mixed together to become one nation. A salad bowl is when you have maintained who you are and haven't blended or changed yourself. I think that Sonia did have the "melting pot" growing up in NYC, but you also encounter people who hold on to their beliefs and do not change who they are because of where they are.
    I believe its important to have a diverse group of students, teachers, we all learn from each other. Different people can bring different perspectives to the table. It also gives everyone a chance. If Princeton only accepted white students who came from rich families it wouldn't allow for people who were not as rich but just as smart to have a chance at an amazing education.

  12. I feel personally that its important to have diversity in the community because it shows equality. Its signifies that all can be treated the same and no different one another. in general everyone should be treated the same no matter what the other person has with education a job or anything pertaining to representing thyself.

  13. In Sotomayor's A Latina Judges Voice" uses the terms like melting pots vs salad bowl. The term melting pot describes the generation of immigrants who have moved to this country and abandoned their culture.salad bowl describes immigrants who have maintain their culture. i think theses terms go perfectly in the book because sonia's life is a salad bowl, she lives in america her whole life but never forgets her roots even to this day. its important to people of multi cultures to be represented because america is built on different cultures and different colors. america isnt one culture as much trump wants it to be, its important to never forget forget where you have come from.

  14. The "salad bowl" metaphor is about, us as different people. example, the Hispanics are the cucumbers, Italian's the lettuce and, so forth. all of us different and combined we make the "salad bowl". The metaphor "Melting pot" has to do with, the affect of mixing races. Where we take and learn from one another. many different cultures now combined into one, has now become a "melting pot" ....I believe that it is important to have diversity in schools, jobs, and our community, because then we will learn to see other's as they are and that's people. The more you surround yourself with things that may be "different" from you the more it will become normal and you no longer view them as the Hispanic or Jewish person you work with, but rather as friend, teacher, ect... My combining everything and everyone together we take out the racism or the prejudice. That is why I believe it is important.

  15. Absolutely yes, is important to have multiple people any where because it make a balance in the activities to develop, where there are multiple people, discrimination or racism couldn't been a element that usually difficult the good and effective develop in schools, companies, institutions and any other organization where many people have to been daily. I think the definition for melting pot is because immigrants that come to America have to leave their cultures to adopted America culture and about salad bowl just like a salad, many component make a salad but they keep their qualities.

  16. These metaphors align with Sonia and her attending Princeton, the school had people from different backgrounds.She believes everyone should be treated and given the same opportunity and have a voice no matter what the race may be.

  17. Personally, I think both group are just describing two different ways of how people survive in a different environment.
    Melting pot doesn't have to be immigration group in every country. Even moving to another state that has a completely different living style, way of speak, etc... It can form a melting pot as well. People try to change themselves so it's easier for them to live with the main culture.
    However, New York is mostly like a salad bowl that is created by different group of people with different cultures. People will group up together and try to build up their own culture into the environment.

  18. I think everyone should be treated equal because in the school there is different background of culture from other places and they should have the opportunity for someone by racing them with their own culture.


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