Saturday, February 17, 2018

I think its sad how Sonia's mother lost her mother at the age of nine which was the same age Sonia lost her father. I know that a child needs both parents in their life but I feel like girls look up to their mother as a role model  on how to be a woman. And boys the same thing with their father. For a young girl to loose her mom I'm sure that had to just break her heart in pieces. I couldn't even imagine. The thought of it just makes me sad. I feel like Sonia's mother had to grow up fast. Celina's mother was sick and it affected her mentally. She would wander off in the middle of the night and Celina would wake up go find her and lead her back to bed. It's sad for a kid to experience something like that. I think it's amazing that even with all that she was able to get recruited into one of the first Puerto Rican units of the women's army corps.


  1. It was very sad indeed to read that. I believe her mother may have suffered from some early dementia, thus causing her to wonder about late at night.

    I agree with you in where in a perfect world a child should share a household with both parents present in order to bring some balance. When this isn't present as we saw with both Celina and Sonia, it helps tremendously to have a family support system. Celina was assisted by her 5 other siblings, who also at a early age had to grow up fast. I guess it was more of sign of the times, in where by 16 you were a grown up.

    Celina's experience's I feel helped her become a flexible parent for her children. This would explain why she is so trusting of some of Sonia' early decisions. I guess the Self reliance rubbed off on her.

  2. This is a good point, Jean. In fact, Sotomayor argues early on that as long as a child has ONE person in her life that gives her unqualified love, then that child has a chance of growing up to be a healthy individual. Sonia had that not in her mother or father, but in her grandmother.


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