Monday, February 12, 2018

Literacy Narrative and My Beloved World

Look again at pp. 117-123. How might this section of the memoir be viewed as a literacy narrative? How do the incidents with the fruit seller and the grown women playing phone pranks connect to Lord of the Flies?


  1. This section of Sonia's memoir might be viewed as a literacy narrative because Sonia was working her way through a reading list. This helps to show the readers of her memoir that she was very interested in reading even through her teenage years. To the extent that after reading Lords of the Flies she needed time to absorb and think about the meaning of the novel some more. To her it was so layered with meaning. I believe Sonia reading the novel Lord of the Flies encouraged her to get seek a job, like the boys in the story she wanted to know what it feels like to survive. She decided to take advantage of what she had learned from the novel instead of staying home all summer bored.

  2. I believe the incidents with the fruit seller and the grown women playing pranks connects to Lord of the Flies by the way they use power and authority to take advantage of others. The police officer attempting to buy fruits, used his power and status to take advantage of a hard working man. The officer didn't go with the intentions to pay for his fruits, he made a gesture to reach for his wallet as if the vendor owed him something. Sadly,the fruit seller let him have the two bags of fruits for free because he believes if he don't, he won't be able to sell any. The officer intimidating him. As for the grown woman they did the same by calling women and pretending to be someone that they aren't to gain attention and intern hurt someone's feelings. To me the cell phone symbolizes the conch the boys held in the novel. The women held that power.

  3. When a cop being civilized, and have received a proper education yet he goes to the vendor and grabs two bags full of fruit. Its almost the same thing as in lords of the flies were a group of really civilized kids starts fighting each other and stealing each others food. the part where the aunt makes the prank calls and yet she doesn't care if there is people being harmed for those pranks. The literacy part about this part is how she is reading the book "The lord of the flies"

  4. This section in the book can be viewed as a memoir because she talks about her days when she wanted to work and the times where we was reading through her book. the incidents with the fruit seller and the grown women playing phone pranks, Someone controlling you taking over. bossing you. The reason why sonia wanted to get a job was to know how it felt to survie on her own just like the boys in lord of the flies where they try to surive out on there own even when they are little.

  5. This section of the memoir can be viewed as a literacy narrative by the Sotomayor connects her daily life as a teenager, to the summer reading book, Lord of the Flies. Sotomayor connects both writings by symbolizing the negatives In her neighborhood such as the junkies and the cops with armor along with the kids in Lord of the Flies who rebel against one another. But the most significant line "Where was the conch?" is something that is not existent. No one is keeping the neighborhood in check, everyone is just a bystander.

  6. I think the connection between lord of the flies and those 2 scenes were people don't know how to be fair and righteous. Even in lord of the flies there were the good kids who tried to start a civilization with justice and laws,and there was savage children who killed and hurt each other for basically no reason or for their own selfish reasons. When Sonia asked her Titi Carmen why she would cause pain to people for no reason, her titi just shrugged it off and no big deal and didn't give it a second thought, what kind of mischief did she cause? The same thing happened to the fruit vendor, the officer ignored the fact that this poor vendor gave him 2 bags of fruits, the police officer never thought twice about the pain he was causing to the poor man but he senselessly took the fruit and left. Most people cant put themselves in the same predicament and say "would I like that if it was done to me?"

  7. Before this class I thought a literacy narrative was someone writing about literacy. I now know a literacy narrative is a narrative about what ever someone decides to write about. The incident with the Officer and the women playing cruel jokes on unsuspecting people are important.They show the reader the environment Sonia was exposed to in every aspect. Many adults in Sonia's life had no perception of right or wrong. Not only in these few pages but throughout the entire memoir.

  8. This section is almost a perfect little literacy narrative set down in the middle of Sotomayor's memoir. She is not only showing how the book made an impression on her, but she's showing the value of reading fiction more generally. Fiction doesn't have to be just entertainment (though it is that too); it can also teach us life truths that hard complex. She essentially learned from the reading that, as she says, things break down b/c people can't imagine what others feel. That's a great argument for why people should read literature: so that we can better understand the way other people think.

  9. This part of the book can be viewed as literacy narrative because she speaks about reading Lord of the Flies. She also uses what she learned from her reading and uses the information she gained into her life at that moment. When she sees that the cops use their power to take fruits from the vendor so that he could continue to sell his fruits. In Lord of the Flies the boys needed the conch although the conch didn't mean anything it was the order it gave. This is significant for both the fruit vendor and the women that pranked called because the conchs only power is what they agreed to honor. For the fruit vendor the cop in Sonia's eyes should be held to higher standard and they fell far from that by taking fruit from a vendor who was probably making little money. As for the women they never thought about how the other person was feeling who they were pranking. The women who pranked call were not holding themselves to the honorable standard.

  10. I believe the fruit vendor's interaction with the cop and with sonia say a lot about her life and the type of environment she lives in. The corrupt world as the cops get what they want from the fruit vendor for free, yet a conflict within herself on how these are people she trust to protect her area from becoming a war zone, but at the same time robbing the innocent. I believe she uses the conch in relation to her life as how something in life physically has no meaning, though the power and respect of that item can be so strong when used for a certain objective. I believe that she used lord of the flies comparison was really amazing, you can close your eyes and visualize this land that was almost archaic as she walks through this town that is so different from the day time when it is busy and people are out.

    1. The conch's power was in direct comparison to the prank calls.

  11. I think this is like a literacy narrative because Sonia is telling a specific story and relating it back to the book Lord of the flies. She showed her reader that the "lord of the flies" really affected her and she seen things in a new perspective because of that book.

  12. This section can be considered a literacy narrative because she talks about the impact the book had on her and how it haunted her because she couldn't stop thinking about it. In both situations someone was being done wrong. The person doing the wrong didn't stop to put themselves in the other persons shoes to think how they would feel if it was them. Just like in lord of the flies they were separated into two groups ,one being more level headed than the other, but the one thing they had in common was that they only saw things their way.

  13. I believe pp. 117-123 can be viewed as a literacy narrative because, Sonia is comparing her experiences of walking to work, the adult interactions she sees on the streets and things around her to the book she is reading " Lord of the flies" and she is making comparisons which is making her connect even more to the meaning in the story. (As she states on page 120, 2nd paragraph)
    "I remember falling asleep...Where was the conch?"
    The connection to the "lord of the flies" and the incident with fruit vendor is that everyone has a "role" or a "level" in society according to the level you are, is the role must take in order to survive. Having a higher authority than others helps keep things in order, but it's also quickly to be taken advantage of.

  14. Sonia loved to read and the reading helped her to grow and be more experienced with her literacy. The readers will understand more about her life as an individual, the process it took. I think the incident with the fruit seller was not right, the Policeman took advantage of his position as a police officer,and the grown women was able to play prank calls I think because they knew that the person on the other end of the line was not able to identify them, its about having power over another person.

  15. i believe that the phone calls had a direct relation to the cop and the fruit since the act was one sided and almost selfish in a way that one person did not care about the effect that it would have on the other parties life.

  16. This section of the memoir can be viewed as a literacy narrative because of the fact she knew how hard her mother was taken on and decided at a young age to start working off the books. She decided to take it upon her self to read lord of the flies so she can survive through the battles at the moment

  17. The boys in lord of flies try to do the right thing building the neighourhood but some people still destroy it The same happened to the vendor the who suppose to protect are robbing him because they have the power and main law and order but they use the power to ridicule him.

  18. Sonia has two scenarios at this chapter that make her to ask why of that? first was the cop that never pay for the fruits intentionally because he just made gesture for pay abusing of his position as cop, from another hand her aunt that is the most honest people for her no only works in a illegal place also play by phone with women that she didn't know just to be funny with her coworkers whit out take care what damage can she make in those home or those women. I didn't read " Lord of the flies" but I guess the connection has to be, why people take advantage from their positions to affect negatively other people.

  19. In my opinion, the incident with the fruit vendor struck Sonia as an abuse of power. To Sonia the cops were the authoritative figures within the community and watching them take away from the fruit vendor made her lose hope and respect to what they represent. Sonia related her experience to Lord of the Flies, making it a literacy narrative. She understood that her community had failed her and many others just as it did in Lord of the Flies. The incident with Titi Aurora has a connection to the novel because the women did not see or want to understand how their 'prank' calls can devastate others. The lack of understanding other's point of view is what breaks down a society . In the Lord of the Flies, the self interest of some of the characters is what breaks up the community. Sonia's understanding of the Lord of the Flies opened her mind to the lack of empathy not only in the novel, but in the world.

  20. This section of Sonia's memoir showed the readers that how she's still interested in reading during her teenage years. And, how does reading helped her to question and solved her questions on her life.


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