Friday, February 9, 2018

My Beloved world...

I feel that Sonia’s love her (grandmother) abuelita grew so deep, because it was the only time in her life where she felt protection, peace and a true sense of love. True love that was innocent, the love a child longs to feel. This love was her strength and courage. The reason she was able to face all the difficulties in her childhood and to have that sense of comfort let her know that everything was going to be alright. I could feel the love she had for her abuelita through her words. She looked at her in a way that, no two other eyes could ever see her, as she quotes on page 28. “Her long black hair is tied back simply and her dress is plain, but to my eyes she looks even more glamours than anyone trying to be fancy.” 
I didn't know much about Sonia prior to this story, I knew of her, and how she was the first hispanic woman to ever be appointed a Supreme Court judge, but I never knew about her, as just Sonia. I’m glad I got a chance to read this book, because now I have a new found respect for her as a person and not just because of her job tittle, yet rather for the courage which lies inside her.  I now, too can see her with different eyes. Not with the same eyes she saw her abuelita, but I can definitely say I see her with eyes of admiration for who she is and the woman she chose to become. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, from reading the book, Sonia loved her grandmother very much, I can tell they had a very special bond.


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