Monday, February 5, 2018

Beginning My Beloved World

Sonia Sotomayor is an inspiration to many of us. She is at the highest stage possible of her career, one of only nine supreme court justices in the US, and the first Hispanic judge in US history. So we're interested in her because of her achievements. And yet, the first part of her memoir is about her early childhood, long before she even dreamed of being a judge or even a lawyer. Why is this early part of her life relevant? What type of girl was the young Sonia?


  1. I believe this part of Sonia's life is relevant because the challenges made her stronger, appreciative and humble. To be able to share her story with others about succeeding in life regardless of the struggles and challenges that she had to face in her childhood. Reading the book I can tell that Sonia was very curious and a determined young girl, who loved her family.

  2. I strongly agree with you that Sonia Sotomayor is an inspiration to many of us. Her childhood is a very essential part of her memoir. On page 5, she stated that she earned the family nickname "Aji" which meant hot pepper. She earned this name based on her eagerness to jump headlong into mischief impelled by equal parts curiosity and rambunctiousness. Throughout the story you can definitely see these traits being portrayed. Her determination against the odds led her to follow her dreams to become a judge. She proved that her chronic illness or domestic politics didn't stop her achievements.

  3. The way I used to think before reading “my beloved world” was that only people who born with the golden spoon in their mouth could held a job being at an office specially to hold such an important job such as The United States Supreme Court. Sonia Sotomayor has changed the way that I used to think, not only by learning the rough childhood she had, but she has proven not only to herself but to anyone out here thinking that we can do it and not to give up. Sonia Sotomayor as a child was a really strong person specially to hold her tears when her father past away, and when she got the courage to confront her mother and yelled at her not to give up, for me as a Hispanic we know not to ever disrespect an adult especially if she is your mother, and yet she went to her mother’s door and knocked so hard and yelled “what’s wrong with you? papi died. Are you going to die too?”

  4. she wants everyone to understand that anyone can overcome any obstaclies in live no matter the problems you are facing as child as long as you are motivated and determine.

  5. I believe Sonia talked about her early childhood in this book to portray the type of upbringing she had and how she overcame all those hardship she was faced with. I think she is trying to show her reader that where you come from doesn't matter. The choices she made as a child shows Sonia is a independent, strong, smart person. From such a small age she was righteous and believed in justice, even when her father died she had an overwhelming feeling of emotions yet as soon as her aunt Ana came in the room and said you have to be strong for mami she sucked up all her feelings and became strong. I really respect Sonia's personality and morals.

  6. Sonia published her childhood at the begining of the book, personally I beleive she did that because your childhood determines who you becomes as a person. as a child Sonia was a strong and had her head up high even though she had went to a rough time she managed to make it on her own with her siblings. she was also very religious at a young age she went to catholic school. so discipline was very strict on the preface she says "the challenges I faced-- among them material poverty, chronic illness, and being raised by a single mother... " Sonia childhood was difficult but she made a change and became very important once she got called the first lady of the supreme court.

  7. I believe that learning about Sonia's early childhood is important in her memoir because, it gives you a better understanding of who Sonia really is and where she came from. To have a good understanding of someone you have to know them from their roots, their inner core. With Sonia we see all of the struggles she had to face as a child, which has shaped her into the successful Supreme Court Judge she is today. Sonia is a strong and powerful woman, who is able to overcome any challenge that comes her way, and this has a lot to do with her early childhood.

  8. I believe this is a crucial turning point in her life when her father passes away. When her mother's friend Ana says" you cant cry anymore you have to be strong for your mami". I believe this was a turning point for Sonia, she knew then that she would have to be strong not only for herself but for her family. Although, I think she was already strong young lady because of the medical issues she had dealing with diabetes. She had to administer her own insulin shots every morning, at such a young age Sonia had already went through a lot in her life. Sonia had no choice but to be strong for her mother and brother. Even though Sonia's mother took the earlier shift at work she still didn't see much of her mother.She had to step up and become the adult in the family.

  9. I believe Sonia life overall made her into who she is i find it very inspirational that someone like that been through hard times still can manage a positive life it just to show you can do anything you put your mind to and can achieve to the fullest.

  10. Her early childhood shaped her in the woman she is now. Now a days a lot of people are being exposed as being frauds and having gold spoons in their mouths growing up, that they assume they will get what they wanted just because of who they are.Women like Sonia who didn't have much, came up to one of the highest posts in her jobs. Young Sonia was was a little girl who knew what she wanted and was always strong and sassy even as a baby.Now Sonia now is still that sassy , strong woman who will fight for everything she believes in.that little girl isn't far behind her.and those experiences shaped her today.

  11. i believe the early part of her life is very important because it paints a picture of her childhood and what molded her into the person she is today. The hardship she went through, being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, having an alcoholic father(who later dies), and a mother that wasn't home often pushed her to be independent at a young age. Sonia was a curious and adventurous little girl that loved her family especially her grandmother. Sonia was also tough and proved this when she spoke on how she would protect her younger brother from bullies in school.

  12. In her preface of My Beloved World Sonia stated that she have spoken to a wide variety of groups in different settings and they all asked all sorts of questions. She was surprised when people would ask about her personal story, curious to know how she managed and been shaped by various circumstances in her early life, especially the ones that didn't natural promise success. I believe she saw the necessity to publish her story so all could see that she had to struggle in her childhood years to be at the top.

  13. Sonia Soto Mayor's memoir, my beloved, she highlights significant moments of her childhood. I believe that these moments are crucial to her success, the early stages of her life molded her into being the ambitious woman that she later became. As a young child, Soto Mayor was full of eagerness to explore and undeniable determination to get her way. Upon the death of her father, Soto Mayor displayed behavior of a child wise beyond her years which I believe shaped her into fearless and unstoppable person that she has become. These stories not only humble Soto Mayor but also help her audience relate to her experiences and to her life.

  14. I believe we can all relate to the pain this girl has felt thus far, when i say relate i mean that there have been struggles that have come our way that have been set backs. Those set backs are only as important as the person that it belongs to, Losing a loved one, troubled families, forced to be independent early in life i'm sure there is plenty of us that can really understand the pain she is feeling to a extent. This book means a lot to me because this is one of those books that you just dont want to put down, it really connects with the reader a way that all you want to do is keep reading to see if this poor girls life starts to making a turn for the best .


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