Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 101 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations before we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing, reading, and thinking on a weekly basis in an informal setting.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
my beloved world
Other questions about My Beloved World
- On p. 133 Sonia asks herself "How could one become an interesting person?" How would you answer that?
- In Ch. 13, Sonia learns the value of logic when debating someone. However, she senses that emotion is important too. Do you agree or disagree?
- Why does the school nurse have a problem w/ Sonia getting a "likely" from Princeton?
- On p. 175, Sonia's mother asks her to write her paper that she has to write for Hostos. Sonia won't b/c it's cheating. But why else would it be wrong?
Monday, February 26, 2018
The Melting Pot (or Salad Bowl)
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Diversity and Growth
Saturday, February 24, 2018
My Beloved World 170
Literacy Narrative
I believe pages 170 and 175 are examples of a literacy narrative. Page 170 portrays Sonia's struggle with the English language at Princeton. Professor Weiss critiqued Sonia's writing as weak because her sentences were often fragments, her tenses and grammar were normally incorrect. To her it all felt and looked correct and you know Sonia is a very smart girl but she didn't discover her mistake until a year after. Sonia realized what she was doing wrong when she took contemporary Latin American history, only then did she noticed her English was riddled with Spanish constructions and usage. That meant she would always speak the other away around. I took basic Spanish in high school so I understand we speak English opposite to Spanish, as she said she would use "authority of dictatorship" instead of "dictatorial authority." I am shocked that throughout her school years no teacher as never acknowledged her mistake. To fix her problem Sonia bought some grammar handbooks and vocabulary booklets Sonia devoted her lunch hour during her summer job doing grammar exercises and learning ten new words, which she would later practice using on Junior.
I loved that she finally understood that some of her knowledge gaps wasn't based on her aptitude but cultural background as it was for her understanding how to write English.
I also believe that page 175 was also a literacy narrative, on this page it shows Sonia's mom panicking and struggling with writing her English paper. She suggested that Sonia wrote her paper cause she felt like quitting. Sonia decided to help her instead and she did. Sonia also encouraged her mother on her final exams and they both made a bet. Sonia and her mother went through similar circumstances with learning the proper way of writing English. She did not do her mother's writing as Celina suggested because she wanted her mother to learn and understand the same way she did and she believed in her mother as well.
What if my father hadn't die? Sonia asked later on in the chapter. Well if he was still alive Celina would definitely not have went back to school, for Sonia most definitely maybe not Princeton, she was always smart and determine though. If her dad was still alive maybe she would have went further away for school.
Princeton Life
I was particularly struck by page 158. I am surprised by how Princeton changed Sonia's life in the most simplest of unexpected ways. Sonia fell in love with this jacket but it was size too small, Celina decided to ask the saleswoman if by any chance they had a bigger size or the store has another location they could purchase it. Unfortunately, to her surprise the saleswoman began to give Celina so much attitude but she was so determined to make her daughter happy. Saleswoman began to complain that it would be a lot a trouble to just to seek another way for her to get the jacket. Besides ain't that her job to make the customers happy? .....because of Sonia's mom determination she finally said that she wanted to get the jacket has a gift for her daughter going away to college. The saleswoman asked, "so where's she going to college?" I'm saddened by the way her attitude changed after she heard Princeton. The saleswoman suddenly became courteous, respectful and even made a phone call. What a surprise? She only decided to help, when she discovered Sonia's social class before she was just looking at two minority latinos. I am happy today's world is more diverse, not saying this wouldn't have happen in todays world but today more minorities are at the top of the social ladder.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Princeton and how it changed her life
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Sonia Sotomayor
Sunday, February 18, 2018
My Beloved
Saturday, February 17, 2018
My beloved world
Friday, February 16, 2018
My Beloved
Thursday, February 15, 2018
My Beloved
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
My beloved world
Interesting observation
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Monday, February 12, 2018
My Beloved World
- Ch. 7 is Sonia's mother's story. It's essentially a flashback to before Sonia was born. Why is this necessary for her memoir?
- What does the English language represent to Sotomayor? Why did Sonia and Junior's teachers send home notes that their parents were supposed to speak English at home? What did English represent to Sonia's parents?
- Why is Dr. Paulsen's gender (96) important to Sotomayor?
- Why do you think Sotomayor juxtaposes homework and her mother and friends' leering at Tom Jones at the beginning of Ch. 10? (Btw, here's Tom Jones performing the song she's referring to:)
Literacy Narrative and My Beloved World
Saturday, February 10, 2018
My beloved World
my beloved world
Friday, February 9, 2018
My Beloved world...
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Group Critic
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
My Beloved World
My experience in this activity that I shared with Natasha, Irvin and Ricky was satisfactory, I expected more critiques on my essay, Truly I appreciate my friends' support and any other critique that they could to consider in the future. From another hand, when I enrolled in this course I believe that four hours of English class will be tedious, but so far it has not been like that and I don't think it going to change. Our professor make of those four hours likable.
Group critique
My beloved world
Sonia story was very lnteresting and sad but, despite all the obstacles she went though as a child she was very motivated ,curious and determined to exhale in life and she did by becoming the third women to be dominated to become supreme court judge .she is my role model.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
I feel honored to have the opportunity to share the same space with the talented individuals in my English 101 class. When we were disscussing the common read, all my classmates had valid points and arguments. I really enjoyed helping my group better their essays and I got alot of constructive criticism that will definitely help me better my essay. Overall, it was time well spent.
Group critique
tonights class
My thoughts on this class and Spring 2018 semester
I originally took ENG Comp 101 in York College in the year 2006 and it was extremely helpful and informative. I passed the class with a B-, however, this grade is not satisfactory for my major's requirements. And although I have gained more writing experience and excellent grades in my other English courses here at QCC, I still need to take this class. I must admit that after reading the syllabus I realized that this 101 class will not be as easy as I thought but, I am excited to spend the next couple of weeks with such a diverse group of smart individuals. The literature that we have assigned for this course are good reads and I can't wait to digest it's content. I am most nervous about the writing assignments because I really do not have much time between, work, family and 4 other classes. Without a doubt, this will be a challenging yet fun semester.
Common Read
As you can see, there are no night offerings. I want to get a sense of people's availability, essentially who would find it a hardship to go to one of these day events.
You may either reply on the blog or we can discuss it tonight.
Monday, February 5, 2018
My Beloved World
- Why is it important to know about Sonia's trip to Puerto Rico? Look at p. 44 again. Why is it significant that all these people she mentions in Puerto Rico have professional jobs?
- What is the significance that at 7 years old, Sonia began giving herself insulin injections for her diabetes?
- Why does Sotomayor use Spanish words in a memoir for English language readers?
- What were gender relations like in the world that Sonia grew up in?
Beginning My Beloved World
My Beloved World
Sunday, February 4, 2018
"My Beloved World" by Sonia Sotomayor
I hope all is well with everyone. I am here to talk about this book, I can't seem to put
down. I felt so sorry that her Honor had endured so much at such a young age, but I also understand that the people in her life did the best they could. It's so easy to judge people it takes a lot to unbiased about certain situations. Someone can love you while hurting without even knowing it. Through the years I've learned that people are who they are destined to be no matter the environment. Does the environment influence individuals yes to a certain extent, ultimately it is the self that determines who the person is. In these first few chapters I feel a sense of family, culture and pride, I feel a bit saddened by the disease known as alcoholism and finally I feel a sense of abandonment. This is a really good book, the sad part is of all my trips to the book store this book never got a second look :-(
On another note; Guys I am stuck on the first assignment, I don't get it. Am I to read literature then begin writing or am to let paper, a pen and my brain begin to create a master piece lol. Anyone with any thoughts and ideas feel free to respond. Love and peace to you all.
My Beloved World
I finally started reading My Beloved World. It's Fascinating and Inspiring
I love this quote
"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending," C.S. Lewis
English 101
Saturday, February 3, 2018
Miguel Romero
Greeting to my fellow Writers
Greetings fellow classmates,
It was a pleasure to meet everyone in class. I feel very honored to be among everyone who like me have chosen a moment in their life to further grow and enrich their life. I must confess that I was intimidated and felt overwhelmed with syllabus presented in class. It has been many years since I've stepped into a class room. This is my second semester in QCC, but English 101 happens to be the very first class in where I must, with elaborate detail express my thought on paper.
I certainly welcome the challenge this class will bring and look forward to its awesome reward. I will give this all my all being that is one of my many steps toward achieving my goal in this school.
I wish everyone a productive semester.
Hi , Professor Talbird and classmates
It’s been 17yrs+ since I’ve been in school and I must admit I wasn’t a fan of it and never thought of going back once I graduated. Due to a minor car accident I started going to physical therapy and just the environment being warm and welcoming, interacting with the staff and other clients on a weekly basis gave me encouragement to enroll in qcc for it’s massage therapy program because if I didn’t learn anything else there, I learned how much I enjoyed people, seeing them happy, and wanting to make them feel better. Writing isn’t one of my strongest points , so when I saw the syllabus with all the requirements /assignments I became a bit overwhelmed because it is like a foreign language to me right now , but they say practice makes perfect. The professor showed he wants the best for his students and as long as you do your part he’ll work with you . I’m not a quitter and have two sons looking up to me so I’m going to do my best to pass this class. Best of luck to all of us . See you all Tuesday .
Children who had abusive or neglectful parents will most likely forgive them and make excuses for their downfalls.. What do you think?
Friday, February 2, 2018
Eng 101
First I would like to say what a pleasure it was to meet all of you. We are all very different with different backgrounds and life situations, but yet our goals over all are the same, we are all here to better ourselves and our future, and even though the work load for this class seems overwhelming I know we will all help and encourage each other to succeed.
I didn't get a chance to start reading the book, but I will do so this weekend. I hope everyone has a good weekend, and see you all Tuesday!
engl composition
l read the syllabus the professor was clear and precise. l will try my best to be e good writer,think very critically. Also,l am very motivated to be a better writer.
Thursday, February 1, 2018
It was absolute pleasure meeting everyone. This has been by far the most challenging journey for me. I have returned to school after a 17 year break while working full time :-(. While on this journey I have discovered anything is possible with a little patience. I thought of dropping this class after looking at the overview, but I'm not a quitter. I will give it my all and continue to move forward. To my peers you guys give me life because everyone is from a different situation, to Professor Talbird you give me hope with your style of teaching. Hopefully we all will excel and move one step closer to our goals. Love, peace and happiness to you all.
A little motivation.
Hi guys!!
So, I decided to get a head start on "My Beloved World" and to my surprise it's amazing from the start. I wish I had the time to complete this book in one day.😞😞 That's how engrossed I've become mainly because I can relate to parts of her experiences as a child. Unfortunately, I have not heard of Sonia Sotomayor before Tuesday. Honestly I don't follow up on politics so that might explain why. Even if you're not an avid reader, I can guarantee this book will muse you.
I encourage you all to give it a try if you haven't already done so.
Stephanie Elliott