Monday, April 16, 2018

Unfortunately, I or anyone else will never know why those people closed their school. Sixty years after Brown V. Board and segregation still exists in many cities including the New York City school system. I work the polls for the Board of Elections on election Tuesday and I can tell what neighborhood I'm in from the inside. I learned of all this as an adult because my grandparents gave us all a private education attempting to shelter us from this sad world. In our homeland, people that are light think they are superior to everyone else. This silly ideology that was beaten in us still remains present to this day. This book really touched me in a weird way, I feel bad for both races. Those closures so many years ago are still affecting all those disenfranchised neighborhoods. All those children exposed to all that hate. Growing up I've heard the white man is the devil, I've come to appreciate all my brothers no matter their race. KEEP LOVING EACH OTHER AND NEVER STOP LIVING!

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