Friday, April 13, 2018


As I continue to read through Something must be done.... I realized the main issue for the whites not to have wanted desegregated schools was because they strongly believed having mixed children was just plain wrong. This was stated on page 67 to be many of whites deepest fears and said "destruction of the two races" would make "the people of America a mongrel nation."
I found this too interested because nowadays would be considered a "Mongrel Nation" in their eyes then. I honestly believed it would have been a  better and a more logical explanation than based on their opinions, why they wanted to be segregated. Their generation was being brainwashed, I'm sure other whites disagreed but was too scared to speak up. I am happy, I live in the modern society where the law has changed allowing people to be free to date or marry whoever they desire with no penalty attached like what the Loving's family had to go through.

1 comment:

  1. They use that excuse all the time I think it was a power thing. Back then I highly doubt a black child not knowing his or her place. Every aspect of life reminded them of their inferiority. Everyone from public officials to neighbors dehumanized black people on a daily basis.


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