Monday, April 9, 2018


Kristen Green raises the story of Loving vs. Virginia (p. 27). What does intermarriage and segregation of schools have to do w/ each other? Kristen Green's book came out in 2015 and the film Loving came out in 2016 (HBO put a documentary out about the Lovings in 2011). Why are these stories relevant to Americans in this day and age? Do they tell us anything about our lives now? What?


  1. I believe intermarriage and the segregation of schools contradict each other. In the way that having segregated schools help to prevent intermarriages. This was one of the main reasons Taylor said they fight for segregated schools because they didn't want to deal with having mix babies in the community. The movie/documentary of Loving portrays a interracial couple who was jailed and banished from south Virginia for being married. They could visit south Virginia only separately and their children were treated unfairly. These stories are relevant to modern society because these circumstances are still being depicted all over America. Trump is doing it now, trying to get immigrants out of the country. There are many interracial couples today but some cultures still see it as disgraceful. The stories shows that we have come along way but still need improvement.

  2. I believe they are relevant because they remind us of how lucky we are to have the rights that we do, the choice no matter what color or even gender we are to chose who we want to spend the rest of our lives with. I believe majority of the population would be thrown in jail if we were living by the laws that were in place back then.

  3. I think Loving vs Virginia portrays an important lesson of equal rights and justice. These lessons are very important for Americans today, so they can look back and learn from the mistakes that were made in the past. This story shows that unfair laws need to be eliminated.

  4. The Lovings' story is two people who simple wanted the freedom to love each other, its sad what they had to go through, but they fought for their rights. We are very fortunate that in todays society we have the freedom to love no matter race or gender without punishment, like what Richard and Mildred had to go through which was very unfair.

  5. The love story is similar because we have the rights to choose the people gender and their race. Also we could choose who ever we want to pick and spend with them for the rest of our life. We also have freedom of love but we have to fight for our rights and the people we choose to go out with. Therefore, if we were living by the law back then we will all go to jail and get our punishment from them.

  6. Barbara, Kristen friend, was very important to change the history according Kristen tell us in her book. She was who could do the movement and strike behalf the black students.It made posible that nowadays black and white students can share a classroom in public schools.

  7. At the case loving v Virginia, It was also a significant case that made the world, but mainly the United State Supreme Court understands a interracial marrige, it is not dangerous for anybody, at this case for Virginia State.

  8. I think the Lovings story came out and they were able to share their story and show that people should be married to who they want. I couldn't imagine living in a time where people were not allowed to mix races, love who you want, or marry who you wanted. Because of the Lovings the supreme court ruled it unconstitutional to punish and jail people who were in interracial marriages. In the movie it was so upsetting to see the police come to the Lovings home and ask why he was laying in bed with her. That part really got to me. I was in disgust at the ignorance of people of that time.

    I think the Lovings story is important because they opened the gates to desegregation of the south. Its unbelievable that in the year 2018 we are still dealing with racism in the United States.


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