Saturday, April 28, 2018

I enjoyed group critique because the ladies in my group helped me to see things from a different perspective. I was just looking at things one way and they helped me to put my feet in someone else's shoes and think about what they are experiencing. Even though at the end I decided to change my topic. The advice was good and appreciated. I liked hearing their personal experiences on the topic that I had choice to write about at first because it's interesting how we can have a total different experience depending on the area we live in.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Hello guys, by the way about the racism, can the black people urge the racism against them self? I think yes, some public people can do that. Some tv show, radio show, movies could instead racism, or just who is being part of those kind of entertainment. For example, days ego I was listening  Steve Harvey radio show.  Most of you maybe know who is this famous black guy. He has a tv radio at 107.5 FM WBLS. At this show radio,  to make a jock to some body else, that I thought it was a black guy, they called him asking by his fredoom paper.  Who call was suppose a FBI agent. He made reference about the slaves and what they needed to be free. The victim at this jock just move to New York, and who was calling told that in New York, he has to have this freedom paper to live in New York.  Particularly, it was not funny for me. I see this  joke as a kind of selfrasism.

Monday, April 23, 2018

A Bus Ticket and a World Away

In Chapter 12, Kristen Green tells the story of various black kids who were locked out of school when the Defenders closed down the public schools. If you check the notes in the back (291), you'll see that she got most of this information by interviewing people. What do you notice about how she presented these interviews? Other questions:

  • Green refers to Betty Jean Ward's family as "a happy normal family." And in the next paragraph she writes "And then they weren't." (147) What does it mean to be a "normal" family?
  • What other stories in Ch. 12 made an impact on you?
  • Ch. 8 is titled "Nigger Lovers." Why is it titled this? What do you think about Green, a white woman, titling her chapter this? What do you think about your white professor asking you about this? 
  • How did closing the schools affect white children? 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Journalism changed her

 I believe Kristen Green might not have been interested in her hometown's or her families history, if she had not become a journalist. I think being a journalist impacted her life and made her more diverse and aware of what was going on around her, to the point where she found herself in a interrelationship. Maybe now she is trying so hard to make up to other blacks including Elsie for what she and her family had done. Kristen is just realizing she was racist while growing up sheltered before college.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Kristen was sheltered, because her parents do not want her to date blacks and when she meet the Spanish friend  she happy to meet different people from other race.

I think Kristen's time learning to be a journalist, helped expand her mind on her own past. She says on page 90, she was embarrassingly uninformed on the story of her hometown when talking with her professor. She also states Watkins instructed her to fact check even her most basic assumptions.Kristen became involved in journalism, and started to deal with issues, such as race, that she was oblivious to in Prince Edward County. All of these situations imply that Kristen career choice enlighten her to many problems in her own life and gave her the skills and motivation to search for the truth of her hometown.
I Remember watching a documentary about the Freedom Riders. Extraordinary courage stepped up to bigotry in America during the summer of 1961. The acts of bravery came from everyday people. Concerned and humble people - black and white; liberal and conservative; Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish. They put themselves on the line for what they believe in. The books and documentaries taught me although there is a bunch of bs in this world, there is good that goes unseen.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Unfortunately, I or anyone else will never know why those people closed their school. Sixty years after Brown V. Board and segregation still exists in many cities including the New York City school system. I work the polls for the Board of Elections on election Tuesday and I can tell what neighborhood I'm in from the inside. I learned of all this as an adult because my grandparents gave us all a private education attempting to shelter us from this sad world. In our homeland, people that are light think they are superior to everyone else. This silly ideology that was beaten in us still remains present to this day. This book really touched me in a weird way, I feel bad for both races. Those closures so many years ago are still affecting all those disenfranchised neighborhoods. All those children exposed to all that hate. Growing up I've heard the white man is the devil, I've come to appreciate all my brothers no matter their race. KEEP LOVING EACH OTHER AND NEVER STOP LIVING!

The Segregation Academy

Kirsten Green grew up being, as she writes, "sheltered." How was she sheltered and for what reason(s)? This is a question that arose several times while we were reading Sotomayor. What is the importance of diversity in school (diversity of students, of teachers)? What did Kristen lose out on by not being around non-white people? What did she gain when she went out into the world and lived in more diverse communities? What were people like her grandfather trying to "shelter" her from? Green's prof yells at her that "Nice doesn't mean good!" What is the significance of this statement? Another way of asking this question: Do you have to hate to be racist? Does racism have to be intentional?

Saturday, April 14, 2018

White people wanted schools segregated because they wanted to keep the white race pure and provide white students the best education. The black people wanted schools desegregated because they were done with being treated unfairly. They wanted a better quality school and education. Kristen brings her story in the history because she is married to a multiracial man of American Indian descent. This is a man that she has children with. This is what some white people tried to prevent, the mixing of races. White leaders don't believe in mixing they tend to look down on people that do.

Friday, April 13, 2018


As I continue to read through Something must be done.... I realized the main issue for the whites not to have wanted desegregated schools was because they strongly believed having mixed children was just plain wrong. This was stated on page 67 to be many of whites deepest fears and said "destruction of the two races" would make "the people of America a mongrel nation."
I found this too interested because nowadays would be considered a "Mongrel Nation" in their eyes then. I honestly believed it would have been a  better and a more logical explanation than based on their opinions, why they wanted to be segregated. Their generation was being brainwashed, I'm sure other whites disagreed but was too scared to speak up. I am happy, I live in the modern society where the law has changed allowing people to be free to date or marry whoever they desire with no penalty attached like what the Loving's family had to go through.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

I think segregation of schools is created to stop intermarriage. They want to block people from dating outside their race. This is relevant to today's world because sadly racism still exist. Some people feel some type of way when they see people date outside their race. I don't think anyone should be that concerned about somebody else's life. As long as their happy why do u care. I think people need to mind their business. I am glad that people these days are able to freely be in a interracial relationship. I don't think there's anything wrong with stepping outside the box.

Link to webiste of top 45 public issues today

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

l admirer Kristen Green  honesty and determination to find out the truth why her grandfather ,Robert Taylor,and the leaders in Virginia decided to segregate white and blacks  school and also built a new white school for white kidsl and denied blacks from attending high school,also blacks were send to run- dowm building to attend school  without no water ,heat and classroom in their area. At the same time the t white students enjoy these privileges.

Monday, April 9, 2018


Kristen Green raises the story of Loving vs. Virginia (p. 27). What does intermarriage and segregation of schools have to do w/ each other? Kristen Green's book came out in 2015 and the film Loving came out in 2016 (HBO put a documentary out about the Lovings in 2011). Why are these stories relevant to Americans in this day and age? Do they tell us anything about our lives now? What?

Prince Edward County

As we begin the book, I'd like us to think about several questions:

In the 1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson Supreme Court ruling, it was decreed that separate facilities (bathroom, water fountains, schools, etc.) were acceptable as long as they were "equal." This is what allowed Jim Crow laws to exist (mostly but not exclusively in the South). This is what allowed Prince Edward County (among other school districts throughout the US) to have segregated schools. It seems that it was generally white people who wanted segregated schools and black people who wanted desegregated schools (feel free to disagree w/ me if you do). What were the reasons for both views?

Kristen Green says that this is a hybrid genre, a combination of history and memoir. How does she bring her own story into the history? (This is similar to your assignment #4--a text which explores the intersection between the personal and the public).

What was so bad about a desegregated school--in the view of the white leaders of Prince Edward County--that led them to close the public schools? This is a complex question which we should spend time discussing as the semester winds down. In fact, we may want to see how it connects to other questions currently in our lives: For instance, what is the threat of illegal immigrants (including DACA kids who were brought here as children) going to our public colleges? Just so you know that the North isn't completely innocent: Although undocumented immigrants can attend CUNY, winners of academic prizes in CUNY can't receive cash awards.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Undocumented Students

America is a country with laws. We have to follow and accept them. The constitution said. "No one is above the law ". Be an undocumented immigrant is not right, it is illegal, but the United States has the mechanisms to change the law as well if it is needed. Trump's administration points out undocumented immigrants as criminals. Where are included undocumented students who just want to be able to work for our country, but our President can't point out who sale weapons which are used to murder Americans. who many of them have been students. The article " An Underground College for Undocumented Immigrants". Reflex the true of thousand undocumented students nowadays.  The creation of Freedom University (F.U) was just 6 years ago at 2012. Black students were victims years ago from discrimination as well. It meaning discriminations is not only for undocumented in the U.S.   So far there is no an effective decision to help undocumented students to reach they dreams.

Thursday, April 5, 2018


Ashley and Melissa determination and persistence to go to college is inspirational. They never gave up, even after applying numerous times, and not receiving financial funding. Their dream was to go to college, no matter the trials and obstacles they faced, the girls applied each year. Reading their story is very encouraging and it gives hopes to others, to never give up on your dream no matter how hard the challenges may seem. Education is the key to success!


After reading Some Thing Must Be Done About Prince Edward county Narrative by Kristen Green l realised that thre was  a bad behavior in the Virginia because Robert Taylor and the his friends used their power to locked  public school the because supreme court issued an order that segregation is unconstitutional that  and white and blacksvmust  have equal opportunities in school.  Robert and his friends building a new private  school for white students. Also black parents were forced to sent their kids to out of town school, let them their children stay home or let their kids live with relatives in order to go to school. On the other hand Robert built a new private school for white students. After many court battles blacks get a run down school with no heat, water ,supplies science laboratory. but white kids enjoy all these privileges  until a brilliant lntellegent young black girl BarbaraJohns  led a protest after she was left outside standing on the street for more than two hours waiting for bus,  to be picked to go to school  but  instead the white kids were picked by the bus. 

underground college

The undocumented immigrants should be allowed to go back to school, and not deposited back to their country is not their fault they were boughAmerican by their parents   over strayed and jeopardize their Visa This students are working and going to school to better their lives  American is a land of opportunity Congress let them enjoy this opportunities without your help, their dreams and hopes will be ruined.

Sunday, April 1, 2018


Good afternoon my 101 peeps,

On this Resurrection Sunday I feel extremely compelled to follow in the likeness of my Savior in the essence of allowing God Himself to resurrect those things inside me that I've killed that would've matured me and pushed me toward my destiny! I know my greatness, I know my capabilities yet I buried them. I feared the unknown, THAT ENDS NOW. As we enjoy our Sunday no matter our beliefs or religions. I ask that we all take time to be grateful and be humble. Love, peace and happiness to you all.

See the source image