Wednesday, January 31, 2018

At the begin

Hello everyone, Professor.

At the begin of each semester always I feel anxious, nervous maybe,  just expecting how will be the dynamic of each course. I think we stared well with English 101, this course look intense but also I have the felling that our professor could be demanding but of great help at same time, I hope don't be wrong about it. I have just 11 years in this country and at the begin I knew almost anything of this language ( English) only basic words, for this reason it could be more intense for me, but I'm ready to work on it. I don't like to give excuses and it is not the exception.

I hope we can have good grade at end of this semester, good look for everybody.

I'll see you Tuesday guys.


  1. Hi Jose: Thanks for sharing. I, too, have feelings at the beginning of every semester: But it's excitement. I've always had that feeling since I was a freshman. Sometimes, I would be disappointed in the class and sometimes my excitement was accurate. I wonder if it's possible to try and shift your perspective? That way, you begin the term w/ feelings of positivity instead of fear. I'm sure you'll do well this term.

  2. Hey Jose! I'm sure you will do great for this course. I'm sharing almost the same problems with you. This is only my 5th year in United Stated, and it's also my 5th year learning English. It's hard and something I feel like quitting. However, we should never forget and lose the purpose of what we are doing. Good luck!


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