Wednesday, January 31, 2018

At the begin

Hello everyone, Professor.

At the begin of each semester always I feel anxious, nervous maybe,  just expecting how will be the dynamic of each course. I think we stared well with English 101, this course look intense but also I have the felling that our professor could be demanding but of great help at same time, I hope don't be wrong about it. I have just 11 years in this country and at the begin I knew almost anything of this language ( English) only basic words, for this reason it could be more intense for me, but I'm ready to work on it. I don't like to give excuses and it is not the exception.

I hope we can have good grade at end of this semester, good look for everybody.

I'll see you Tuesday guys.

First day of class

Hi everyone, it was a nice pleasure to meet new students in this class and a new teacher too. I hope I learn new things throughout the spring semester and get along with other students of my classmate in this class.

First Day

I feel Mr.Talbird wants me to succeed in English 101 and he has given me many ways to do that. I felt overwhelmed at first, as it was my first day of college and I'm still becoming familiar with the college life filled with students, teachers, assignments and getting around campus. Offering extra credit was a great relief and I'm sure it made a lot of my classmates happy. The syllabus seemed huge and confusing but after breaking it down section by section it made a lot more sense. I like the way my class interacted with one another and I think we all were positive and learned something new about each other. I feel confident about my success in English 101.

Good afternoon, professor Talbird and fellow classmates

 After reading this syllabus, it was very informative and understand that the requirements to theses classes are to be done in order to pass this class. I believe that in order for me to understand how this class works the syllabus must be written in detail and be understandable and that is what I saw. I did feel a bit overwhelmed that most of our grade goes to our formal writing actives, but for me that shouldn't be a problem because I have always enjoyed writing, even at my roughest times I enjoy writing every where I go.

A little bit about me, I am 18 and very passionate about writing . I Enjoy spending time with my 1 year old daughter, but whenever I get my time to be by myself I do enjoy writing. I tend to keep things to myself and not really expresses them to others, this is why writing really helps me a lot when I have doubt on myself or when I do feel down. I am a bit shy, but once I get adjusted to the enviorment around me I will let loose, I am very polite friendly and open minded person.

 - Ariana Negron


Hi Everyone:

After our first class yesterday, I realized how excited ,nervous, and anxious I am about this semester. I have not been in a school setting for almost 10 years. It was refreshing to be in a class with so many people who are working towards a common goal, which is bettering their future.

The syllabus was a bit over whelming not having been in school for so long. But I am up for the challenge and cannot wait to dive into the reading material that has been assigned.


Honestly, after reading the syllabus I felt a bit overwhelmed due to the fact that I haven't been in school for over 20yrs. Reading the syllabus was very informative and detailed about all of the class requirements. I know that the reading and writing will be challenging for me, this has always been my weakness, but I am ready to work hard to improve my reading and writing skills and accomplish all of my goals.

I have high expectations for myself and due to the fact that I have children, I would like them to know that you are never too old to go back to school, and regardless of your situation you can achieve anything in life with hard work and determination.

Good luck to everyone!
Stacy LoVerso

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

NY Times Freebie

Hi Professor John Talbird and fellow classmates,

After reading the syllabus I have concluded that the semester will be very intense and interesting one for me. This conclusion was drawn based on the fact that I haven't completed an English course in 8 years. So, of course I believe this semester will be a little bit challenging.
Reading and writing has always been something that grabs my interest. Nevertheless, there's always room for improvement and this should be a reason why we are all attending college.

Just a little about me. I am a full- time Certified Assistant Teacher/ Paraprofessional. QCC is the gateway to my Early Childhood Education Degree (grades1-6). At times I may be perceived as shy until I get comfy. I am very anxious and eager for this semester. Hope all my fellow classmates are aswell.

Best wishes.
Stephanie Elliott