Thursday, May 17, 2018

It was a great semester with you guys nice meeting you all hopefully i see you guys around on campus good luck folks :)   

Bye Guys!!!

Hope you all did your best today... I only wished we had more time.
Enjoy your summer and hope to see you guys around. It was truly a pleasure meeting you all.

Exam day

Today is the exam. I hope we all do well today.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

I'll see you soon guys.

It was a great semester, how the professor said last night,  we worked hard, but it was helpful as well. I have to say thank you guys for your help, for being nice and I wish good look for all of you the next semester, especially to Natacha, Irving, Ricky, Jaqueline, and Stephanie, thank you. Of course, very thankful to our professor Jhon Talbird, I was no wrong when at the beginning of this course I thought that this course looked intense, but I had the filling that our professor could be demanding but of great help at the same time. The last class was really nice. Had been sharing, talking, eating and reading our material made of the last night special. I'll see you tomorrow on the final test day, good look since now for that. I will miss you also as Natcha said. 

The end is near

       I have improved in my writings throughout this class and I've also become a tremendously better researcher. These 4 assignments helped me to express some of my personal stories and struggles in life much easier than if I had to verbally do so. I believe I have now mastered how to compose researches in my essays and how to cite these researches.
Professor you did a great job choosing both those books for us to read, they were educational and left us with life lessons of some sort. I am definitely gonna recommend these books to a few friends. One of the things I enjoyed the most was the fact that our 4hr class every Tuesday went by so quickly because it was always interesting for me. Honestly, I came with the thought that I would fall asleep in this class after a longs day work.😏😏 I'm so anxious on what the final will entail.
Overall great work Professor Talbird continue to do what you do, I will miss you all!!!

Last day.

Today was a really fun last day. Everyone's readings were great. I really enjoyed Yazmene's piece, I thought it had a lot of good information from the movie and book. I thought the part about Drew Carey was funny. I also agree that women should turn down sexist roles in movies and modeling, any job they take shouldn't be degrading. I really liked Ariana's piece as well, it brought me to tears because of the sad events that took place, it's so horrible those people would treat a pregnant women so harshly. Your so strong Ariana, I really respect you and your a great mother :). I was happy to share my writing, and I appreciate the nice comments Natasha and Stephanie said about my piece. I did work hard on it and I was happy to share it with you all. And congratulations Nida on your pregnancy, it is amazing that you are going to be a mother, I am so happy for you<3333333. Thank you Professor Talbird, for all of the constructive criticism this semester, it helped me think more into my writings and cover all aspects and bring it back to one. My writing has more flow now and I know what I learned from you will help me throughout my academic career. I think the policy on rewrites really encourages students to go back to their writings and make them better. And your endless advice on drafts really helped me pinpoint my weakness and errors on all my essays. I'm really glad i chose you as a Professor for my first English class since the 8th grade, your awesome! The pizza, desserts, chips and sodas were all delicious. I won't forget all the great people I met in this ENGL 101 class :).

You will all be missed

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

I think tonite everybody did a good job with the class readings I enjoyed hearing about personal experiences and different topics that everyone chose to write about. I think we are all amazing writers. #Lets get it

End of Eng 101

      We are at the end of the semester already.. WOW!!! unbelievable. I must say I totally enjoyed our class, this is my favorite subject, so I was hoping for the best. This class was more than what I expected. First I want to thank you professor for guiding us on the right path and having a lot of patience with us. I know reading so many papers ain't easy. I loved the fact that you also gave rewrites to those that wanted to do so, thus giving all students the opportunity to do their best and you are always available via email. Keep that up!!!
I only wish we had more reading classes. I would have loved to hear the essays that you all wrote. I enjoyed everyone's essays tonight especially Yazmene, Ariana and Shakira keep up the good work and don't be shy. Finally thank you guys for being such wonderful classmates throughout this semester. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, hope to see you guys around campus.
Good luck on your finals!! We can do it.😊😊😊😊

How could I forget the pizza, cookies and brownies.... was great night well spent.
That was a great way to conclude our classes. YUM..

This semester class

In this semester of english class, my goals is to improve my writing skills and essay. While we were working with our group members, my writing essay and writing skills has improved a little bit better then before so now I'm very proud of it in this semester of english class.

Activity today in class

Hi everyone, today in class we ate pizza, cookies, and brownies so it was delicious to me and today was fun in class. We also share our activity about poems and short story too.
The pizza was good and dem cookies and brownies was bomb. My stomach is happy. Peace out.


This semester I have learned so much about writing with the help of my wonderful Prof. the group critiques and going to the writing center, helped me improve my writing skills. I have gained more confidence with my writing and I am more familiar with writing format, citations etc. The books we have read were very powerful and interesting books. Thank you Prof. and best of luck to all my classmates.
Im have never had a class that has been so much fun to be in. ive made amazing friends in this class and also properly have become a vegan. i learned alot about my self and others while being here. im gonna miss you all and i hope to keep in touch with you all also!
Good afternoon my 101 peeps,

                  I wanted to say, I will miss you all. Thank you for all the special talks I've had one on one with many of you. Thanx for the gummie worms and cookies that got me by. Most of all thank you for keeping me on my feet. And to Professor Talbird, thank you for preparing us for what's coming.

I can't believe we are at the end of the semester it seems like we just started class yesterday. What the fudge????
I remember when I started this class one of my goals was to be a better writer and reader. I think I see an improvement in those areas. I definitely feel like my writing has improved. I know I still have some things I need to work on but I think I have become stronger in my writing since I have been in this class
I appreciate Kristen Green and Peter Gilbert for telling these stories. I am glad they brung awareness to what was going on at these times. Through them telling these stories they helped me learn about things I had no idea about. I think it's good for people to know these stories because I think sometimes we don't realize how good we got it until we hear stories about someone's education being put in jeopardy and them facing inequality. To now have the right to go to school with any race of people. It makes me feel grateful
I'm glad for the group critiques and for professor's feedback on my essays because I feel like they helped me become a stronger writer. I found the advise to be useful. I enjoyed this class because it was actually interesting and not boring. Some classes could really be a snooze. This class I learned a lot. Learned a lot about history and people's personal experiences
Watching all deliberate speed and the lovings made me have such a respect for people that fought for their rights and equality. Because of them is why my life is a little easier even though rasicm still exist. But I couldn't imagine going through what some of these people went through back then. I'm thankful for them.
I've learned about transitions when I'm writing an essay. I hope I've gotten better at it. I learned about Sonia Sotomayor. I knew of her but I didn't know she written a book and I didn't know her story. Her story is an inspiration to me because she came from nothing and turned her life into something despite obstacle's that tried to come against her. I'm glad to have read Kristen greens book. The stories she told needed to be told. I think it was brave of her to step outside of what she grew up in and went with a guy not based on his race but just based on love.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Final Entries

Since we have a partial week this week any entries you do on the blog will be extra credit. You can use this space to make final comments on the class: what you learned, what you're still working on, what you wish we had done more or less of, etc. You can also use this space to celebrate your classmates' readings on Tuesday. Which were your favorites and why?

You all have worked hard. Thank you for your dedication and good luck in your future endeavors.

This semester

This semester in ENGL 101, I learned a lot about integration, diversity, public issues and equality. I also learned many skills that will enhance my writings. I am a stronger writer now and I feel more aware of the surrounding issues still in our society today, such as racism and gender equality. I appreciate the helpful feedback Professor Talbird gave me on all my drafts, and I think his policy on rewrites gave me an opportunity to do my best on my essays. My transition sentences are much better after this ENGL 101 class and I will continue to work on my comma use. The books 'My Beloved World' by Sonia Sotomayor and 'Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County' by Kristen Green, were insightful and uplifting. They show the damage done to victims because of unfair laws, regulations and beliefs, but also shows with hard word, perseverance and justice, you can overcome any hardship. What did you guys think about ENGL 101 this semester?  

Monday, May 7, 2018

With All Deliberate Speed

With All Deliberate Speed (2004), the documentary by Peter Gilbert, examines the fight to defeat "separate but equal" which played out in several of our nation's school districts including Prince Edward County. Some questions I have:

  1. There are multiple rhetorical strategies to get across various messages in the film: interviews w/ survivors, archival video and still photography, documents, classroom Q&As, and even dramatic readings by African American celebrities. How do these various ways of telling a story work together?
  2. How do the two texts--Deliberate Speed and Kristen Green's book--work together? How are they in dialogue with each other? Do they contradict each other in any way? How did watching the film help you better understand the book if at all?
  3. Kristen Green, in her book, asks the questions: "But what has the county ever done to repent?" (249, for closing the schools) and "[C]an anything [any reparations] ever be enough?" What do you think? Does Prince Edward owe anything to the children, now adults, who were kept out of school? Does the US government? 
  4. In the film, how engaged do the various kids seem to be regarding this history or racial inequality in general? How did you react to the kids' various comments? 
  5. Both Kristen Green and Peter Gilbert are white. Does it matter that they're telling this story? Do you think this book and/or film would be different if an African American author had told the story? Should certain stories be off limits to some writers/artists or do all topics belong to all of us? 
  6. On p. 268 of Prince Edward County, Elsie, speaking to Kristen, suddenly says, "Oh, I forgot you're white!" What do you think the significance of this statement is? On the opposite page, when Kristen starts crying and says, "I'm sorry white leaders closed the schools, and I'm sorry my family didn't treat you better when it happened," why does Elsie avert her eyes without responding? Why is this the last line in the book? 

Supreme court's decision

Supreme court's decision found country school board decision to close the school to all  public schools while the while white school is receiving tuition grants and vouchers and denied black school children equal opportunity.

Saturday, May 5, 2018


For black students, integration wasn't easy. I assume it wasn't different for white students and for their parents and teachers. After the public schools opened their doors, black students  nodded  motivation,  One of these was sport, Charlie Williams was the first black football team Capitan in Fuqua, an Ricky Brown, who when he was six years old thought that was his turn to go to kirdengarden, his mom had to say him, that the public schools were closed. Now Ricki is the former basketball star from Prince Edward county high school. He couldn't believe that the school is different.  It was the beginning of a new academic story for black students.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Kristen Green book

In the book of Kristen Green, it shows that in the picture she was sad but she was brave in the picture and she had her clothes neatly too.  Also there was black people violence and there was small children dealing in the book about segregation school to see if the children is going to school or not.


Segregation affected blacks and poor white in Edward county thanks to supreme court's to ordered  Virginia country,Robert Taylor and the rest of the defenders to open the the school and their action consider to locked school "unconstitutional"because of the civil rights movement led by Martin Luther king Jr. in 1960 both white , blacks and other minority can attend school together . 

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

This semester

Hi everyone
, thankyou you guys for this semester in English class and that we have done and wish you guys all the best in college.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

This picture is about a little girl been escort to school in Prince Edward Country  by united state marshals because she is threaten by KKK and calling her horrible name like" Nigger" and throwing tomatoes her to indicate that,t is going to happen if she attempt to go to school her blood is going to all over the wall.The marshals face were hidden from the picture because to cover their identity. The little girl was dress in white dress which indicate honesty and she was eager to go to school
A painting shows a young African American girl is taken by the Civil U.S. Marcher, passing by a wall that has "n*gger" on it. The age does not matter at all. Once an African American is born, the word just tag to them automatically. The Civil U.S. Marchers all walk in the same form and the painting also cut off their heads. Although they doesn't want to do what they are ordered to do, they are powerless in front of the government. In order to keep their job they have to follow the order to do either they want to or not.
Thanking you all for an amazing semester. When I began this class, I thought I'd be tripping over myself with the work but I made it. Loving the bonds I've formed ;-)
This picture is a symbol of freedom and hope. No matter how much we try everyone will never be on the same page. With a little patience and understanding we can learn to respect each other. I am unapologetically black but I am however understanding. The only way to move past something is to learn from it.This picture was me on my first day of school in a foreign country without being able to speak the language. She looks brave in the photo, with her head held up high and her clothes so neatly put together. I see the word nigger, k.k.k. and a tomatoe that looks as if it were thrown at her. The first time I saw this painting I couldn't help but see a bit of fear and sadness in her face. Her posture looks as if she had practiced it many times.
"The Problem We All live with " is a painting painted by Norman Rockwell. Rockwell got a lot of backlash for the painting but also much praise. The painting is of Ruby Bridges, She was the first African- American female to go to a all white school. I couldn't even think about evening being in the type situation. this was a huge step in integrating schools. I think it is terrible stopping a child to go to school. it doesn't matter who they are or what color or race. I've had such amazing teachers look after me and always pushed my education. Norman Rockwell's painting portraits Ruby in a beautiful way. She looks so sacred but so ready to take on everything. she knows she is walking into a dangerous situation and the guards dont look as if they care enough to actually protect her. the words on the walls are nothing to her , she has heard them her whole life. 

Desegregation on the way

At the beginning of the desegregation  the black student have to be escorted by the U.S. Marshals The integration represent a stressful in Price Edward County, The black student faced serious and motive moments to integration at 1960s. Have to be as being in prison. but it was necessary to change the history. The black community lived sadly experience when their child have to be in home, because public schools were closed.

Norman Rockwell Painting

This painting brings up many feelings and emotions from within me. At first site I saw the display of the word "NIGGER" on the wall with a young black girl walking in between four Marshalls. I thought to myself, why are these men escorting this young lady? After taking a closer look, the girl was carrying school supplies which means she was either going or coming from school. Furthermore the girl has an angelical look and I believe the artist purposely dressed her in white to accomplish this look. The tomato on the wall indicates that it was just thrown and from the looks of it, the person who threw it barely missed the young lady. I also noticed "KKK" engraved on the wall.

My overall opinion is that this painting represents an era where black children were not allowed to be in school with white children just like on the book that we are currently reading, Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County. The girl seems to be walking with her head held high, but there is a deep sadness within her expression. The Marshalls do not have heads and their bodies are posed in the same exact way, stripping them from their individual identity, which symbolizes their thoughts about school segregation (they all thought the same way).
The image in my eyes portrays the time that segregation was at its worst, when the violence against blacks were more often than not. This is a scene of what it seems to be protection of a small black child, or a child that is being escorted away kind of like when the children in the book were dealing with the segregation of the schools.
The picture symbolizes an innocent little black girl, during times of racism being walked to school by what looks like 4 black men in order to keep her safe from the hate crimes that were happening around them.
In this photo i see people marching towards what they believe in. The young black girl forms that she is believing in what is important which is her education along with  people putting up a fight against each other.
What comes to mind straight away for me is the blunt "nigger" in the back but also the blinding yellow armband of "US Marshall" on the sleeves of white men wearing a suit. What the picure/ painting does best however is make the dark skinned girl wear a white dress to obviously show the racial bias at the time.
I think if society is willing to accept anyone sooner or later we will. it does not matter if a town opposes to a changed as the majority of the population accepts it there will be no problem, the people will think that they are doing the right thing by throwing ruby bridges all kinds of stuff. but at the end they accepted the change.


This photograph or painting reminds me of parts the reading in Something Must be done about Prince Edward County where Black children had to be escorted to Schools when they wanted desegregated schools and a few schools were ruled to be desegregated. Black children and their parents were scared because whites retaliated and this was causing injuries and whites would attempt to spit and throw garbage on them. Even though they faced such prejudice blacks still fight so hard and put up with whites crap to get equal rights. They needed diversity even if it meant being chaperoned to school until it they felt it was safe enough to go alone.

Ruby Bridges

When I see Norman Rockwell's painting "The Problem We All Live With" I see hatred and hope. A little black girl, just wanting education, getting attacked and violated, because the color of her skin. The U.S Marshalls in the picture provides protection for the little girl, but they can't protect her from the psychological pain she is suffering from. The hate won't last, but the hope does. Nigger plastered on the wall, with a KKK symbol and a splattered tomato, can't take away the beauty of that little black girl.
The Picture shows Ruby Bridges being escorted by the US Marshall to the school, the crowd yells bad words and throws stuff at her as she walked pass them, its sad for a little girl to experience so much hatred and anger towards her.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


I think that this picture has a racism thought to the front of the guys you see that there is a KKK lettering to it. and behind the little girl is a sign that says "nigger" with a tomato splashing on it.meaning the whites do not like the blacks.
In the picture I see people that appear to be marching. I notice the guy in the gray suite has two different color hands. One hand is black one hand is white. I notice the word nigger in the background. It looks like someone through a tomato at the wall. I'm guessing it's aimed at the people marching. They seem to be fighting for their rights

Ruby Bridges

This picture makes me feel sad. A little girl walking between white men, it seems that she is being escorted to school because of the school books in her hand. On the wall are profanities and blood all over the wall and floor. It seems they are walking through a rough scene. The men in suits have a band that say US Marshalls.

White Rxn in the South

In this week's reading, Kristen Green gives us a lot of historical details about the federal governments attempts to force Southern states to integrate and also the white reaction to that integration. How do you react reading these details of protest?