Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 101 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start conversations before we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing, reading, and thinking on a weekly basis in an informal setting.
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Bye Guys!!!
Enjoy your summer and hope to see you guys around. It was truly a pleasure meeting you all.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
I'll see you soon guys.
The end is near
Professor you did a great job choosing both those books for us to read, they were educational and left us with life lessons of some sort. I am definitely gonna recommend these books to a few friends. One of the things I enjoyed the most was the fact that our 4hr class every Tuesday went by so quickly because it was always interesting for me. Honestly, I came with the thought that I would fall asleep in this class after a longs day work.😏😏 I'm so anxious on what the final will entail.
Overall great work Professor Talbird continue to do what you do, I will miss you all!!!
Last day.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
End of Eng 101
I only wish we had more reading classes. I would have loved to hear the essays that you all wrote. I enjoyed everyone's essays tonight especially Yazmene, Ariana and Shakira keep up the good work and don't be shy. Finally thank you guys for being such wonderful classmates throughout this semester. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, hope to see you guys around campus.
Good luck on your finals!! We can do it.😊😊😊😊
How could I forget the pizza, cookies and brownies.... was great night well spent.
That was a great way to conclude our classes. YUM..
This semester class
Activity today in class
I wanted to say, I will miss you all. Thank you for all the special talks I've had one on one with many of you. Thanx for the gummie worms and cookies that got me by. Most of all thank you for keeping me on my feet. And to Professor Talbird, thank you for preparing us for what's coming.
Monday, May 14, 2018
Final Entries
You all have worked hard. Thank you for your dedication and good luck in your future endeavors.
This semester
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Monday, May 7, 2018
With All Deliberate Speed
- There are multiple rhetorical strategies to get across various messages in the film: interviews w/ survivors, archival video and still photography, documents, classroom Q&As, and even dramatic readings by African American celebrities. How do these various ways of telling a story work together?
- How do the two texts--Deliberate Speed and Kristen Green's book--work together? How are they in dialogue with each other? Do they contradict each other in any way? How did watching the film help you better understand the book if at all?
- Kristen Green, in her book, asks the questions: "But what has the county ever done to repent?" (249, for closing the schools) and "[C]an anything [any reparations] ever be enough?" What do you think? Does Prince Edward owe anything to the children, now adults, who were kept out of school? Does the US government?
- In the film, how engaged do the various kids seem to be regarding this history or racial inequality in general? How did you react to the kids' various comments?
- Both Kristen Green and Peter Gilbert are white. Does it matter that they're telling this story? Do you think this book and/or film would be different if an African American author had told the story? Should certain stories be off limits to some writers/artists or do all topics belong to all of us?
- On p. 268 of Prince Edward County, Elsie, speaking to Kristen, suddenly says, "Oh, I forgot you're white!" What do you think the significance of this statement is? On the opposite page, when Kristen starts crying and says, "I'm sorry white leaders closed the schools, and I'm sorry my family didn't treat you better when it happened," why does Elsie avert her eyes without responding? Why is this the last line in the book?
Supreme court's decision
Supreme court's decision found country school board decision to close the school to all public schools while the while white school is receiving tuition grants and vouchers and denied black school children equal opportunity.
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Friday, May 4, 2018
Kristen Green book
Segregation affected blacks and poor white in Edward county thanks to supreme court's to ordered Virginia country,Robert Taylor and the rest of the defenders to open the the school and their action consider to locked school "unconstitutional"because of the civil rights movement led by Martin Luther king Jr. in 1960 both white , blacks and other minority can attend school together .
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
This semester
, thankyou you guys for this semester in English class and that we have done and wish you guys all the best in college.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Desegregation on the way
Norman Rockwell Painting
My overall opinion is that this painting represents an era where black children were not allowed to be in school with white children just like on the book that we are currently reading, Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County. The girl seems to be walking with her head held high, but there is a deep sadness within her expression. The Marshalls do not have heads and their bodies are posed in the same exact way, stripping them from their individual identity, which symbolizes their thoughts about school segregation (they all thought the same way).